4 // happy new year

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chaeyoung was in korea and mina wasn't, she was in japan. that didnt put her off, though.

chaeyoung and mina were video calling, blushing and laughing throughout the whole call; if you met them in real life you would've thought they were a married couple, but in reality they're just in love with eachother but they don't know it, and they only have the hope the other likes them back, too.

it was nearing midnight and at a certain point chaeyoung really couldn't hold it anymore. she really just wanted to get it over with and let mina know of her feelings but she just couldn't bring herself to, because what if it fails? what if she embarrasses herself? what if she upsets the love of her life, mina? that'd be a nightmare. it'd make chaeyoung so upset to even see mina upset, especially during such an important moment like the start of the decade. does she really want to give mina's decade an awkward, uncomfortable start?





"chaengie? you okay? you seem kinda. uneasy... is everything okay?" mina asked. "yeah uh, i'm fine. just don't worry about me. i'll be fine." chaeyoung answered. "please take care yourself baby, i don't want anything bad to happen to you. just have a drink of water or something." mina said in a concerned, caring tone. chaeyoung appreciated mina's concern, but... did she just call her BABY? holy shit ...


"chaeyoung????" mina asked. "you there?" she asks, again. "huh? oh uh, s-sorry. you said to have water right?" mina nods. "yeah, okay, thanks." chaeyoung answers and quickly drinks some water from her water bottle.

mina was a bit confused as to why chaeyoung was acting strange. but she tried her best to calm her down a bit. "wow, it's really close to hitting 2020, only about 5 minutes. i hope i can maybe get closer with people i know and start opening up to more people next year, that'd be nice! what do you think, chaengie?"

"yeah, i'm looking forward to meet a lot of new people, too. maybe reach a few milestones with twice. that'd be cool."



she didn't have to confess this way, she could confess later. chaeyoung wanted so bad to make this special moment occur at such a special time but now she just feels pressured to do. it.

agh, you know what? heck it.

"mina, there's something i've wanted to tell you for so long, but i never got the courage to."


mina's heart started racing. does chaeyoung like her back?

chaeyoung does a deep inhale and sighs.

"i love you."


"i love you SO much, mina. i really do. i hope we're never separated from eachother because i love you that much. i want to be with you forever. i've been feeling this way for so long but i've decided to tell you now. on new years. it's fine if you don't return feelings really, but can i please, please have a chance?"

mina was shocked. but, she kind of expected it. she had been feeling the same way for a long time too.

mina hesitantly says,

"i love you too, chaeyoung."


"i really do!" at this point they were both flustered messes with washes of rosy pink on their cheeks. "i've loved you for a long time too, and it just... makes me so happy to know you love me too. i love you chaeyoung. i want to be with you forever, too." mina says, excitedly.

chaeyoung enquires, "wait, really? do you have feelings for me too?"

mina laughs, "of course i do! i wouldn't lie to the love of my life! silly chaeng..."

"ah..." chaeyoung puts her head down in embarrassment. "well, this is cheesy... this is not how i expected it to go..." she puts her head up again, "but i'm glad it went this way."

mina laughs again. "haha, yeah."

chaeyoung giggles and rests her head in her hand, "so, do you wanna be my girlfriend or not?"

mina answers. "yes. i'll be your girlfriend."

"i love you, mina."

"i love you too, chaengie."




A/N: aa!! happy new year/ new year's eve guys!! i hope ur all having a wonderful day!!! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter too, sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!! i love u!!

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A/N: aa!! happy new year/ new year's eve guys!! i hope ur all having a wonderful day!!! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter too, sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!! i love u!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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