Chapter 1: A Lovely Red

Start from the beginning

I acted dumb and confused. "What?" I asked as I felt Yukio trying to pull me away. "Hmmm..." he asked as he bent down a bit, getting at eye level with me, trying to intimidate me. "Kami..." My friend said as she hid being me.

" was you...even if you had your mouth covered, and your eyes were behind the camera...." he said then he reached and touched my hair on my side beside my cheek.

"Your hair gives you away Kami..." He said chuckling like he was trying to scare me. I in the blink of an eye grabbed his hand with mine. "Do you want the photo back?" I asked, tilting my head as I held him tightly.

Satori's POV

We were just walking, all of us heading into the school. We talked and I wasn't in such a good mood. Before I joined up with the team, I had bumped into people who kept calling me and making me feel like a monster.

Then we walked into school and I saw a flash go off. We all stopped and saw someone on the rooftops with a camera. They moved and I couldn't see them anymore.

It's happened before, someone taking a photo of me as a joke for later. This time I ran full speed followed by the guys.

"Tendō!!" Some shouted as they tried to follow me. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but my morning was horrible and I'm just mad in general.

Wakatoshi was there when that photo joke was made, so he is on my side running next to me. We made it to the roof to see someone taking photos of the sun rising.

Then they turned to look for something new and stopped on us. It was a girl...her eyes were behind the camera, and her mouth was covered by a black surgeon mask for the flu that had a kitty mouth. The only thing visible was her short almost curly hair.

"A girl?" The guys whispered. Then she bolted to the exit behind her. We followed running but lost her. The guys kept running, but I had a good guess she was still on the top floor.

I was walking the halls as the guys followed with my guess. "What about her?" Wakatoshi asked. "Hm?" I asked as I looked and saw a girl in uniform with her back to us. Her hair was short and almost curled.

-minutes later-

" was you...even if you had your mouth covered, and your eyes were behind the camera...." I said as I then reached and touched her hair by her cheek.

"Your hair gives you away Kami..." I said chuckling knowing this might scare her enough to not mess with me anymore. But suddenly she grabbed my hand. "Do you want the photo back?" She asked, tilting her head as I felt her grip tighten.

"No we demand're gonna do something to make fun of Tendō aren't you?" Wakatoshi said as he stood beside me giving a stern look.

Rizes POV

"What?" I asked letting his hand go. "Wait...why did you take a photo of us?" Asked a guy with really light coffee brown hair and bangs.

"I'm a photographer. I was taking photos of the scenery. The sky was really pretty this morning." I said smiling as I blushed with my hands behind my back.

The team blushed a bit except for the tall intimidating dude and the redhead who looked confused. "Then why take a photo of us?" He asked, taking a step closer to me.

"I was looking for something new, and well I couldn't find it in the scenery. So I looked around and the bonds sports teams make made me want to capture that moment. I forgot the flash was on..." I said rubbing my neck.

"Then why run??" A guy with black hair and a bowl cut asked peeking from behind the tall wall of a guy. "Well, I got in trouble a while ago for taking photos of people who didn't consent. Plus you guys scared me." I said as I chuckled awkwardly.

The Guess Monster and the Kitten(Satori tendou x OC) (Haikyuu!!) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now