🧪Chapter 14~Master of Flame🧪

Start from the beginning

"Still...He doesn't look so well..." [Y/n] muttered.

"Here...Here we go..." He muttered.

"That man sure is impressionable. Not that I didn't know that..." Kohaku said while [Y/n] nodded in agreement.

"It's unbelievable..." [Y/n] muttered.

"For better or worse. There's so much gaming going on in this Grand Bout. Simpletons like him tend to break through situations like these." Senku said.

Ginro charged at Argo and was trying to jab him, repeatedly. Leaving Argo barely any time to block.

"He's under the impression that he's gotten stronger just by eating the herbs?" Kinro questioned, which scared [Y/n] a little. Kinro's wounds were almost completely healed. 

"You shouldn't be moving, Kinro." [Y/n] scolded him.

"He's never had caffeine before. He's completely wired." Senku said ten chuckled, "And his gullibility makes him fearless. Not a thing wrong with that."

[Y/n] watched in shock as Argo freaked out and started hitting Ginro, repeatedly. Agro backed away, out of breath, while Ginro chuckled.

As the dust cleared, everyone could see Ginro's badly injured face. 

[Y/n] looked in horror. "H-His face..." She muttered. His eyes was swollen, mouth was bleeding and had a couple of bumps on his head. 

Ginro was able to corner Argo and push him off the platform.

"Winner: Ginro!" Everyone cheered.

Suddenly, Ginro dashed off while holding his stomach.

"Where are you going, Ginro?!" Kinro yelled.

"He probably has the runs." Suika said.

"Not surprising after how much he ate." Chrome said.


As the drum was beaten to a rhythm, a new bracket was drawn. It was Chrome versus Magma and Senku versus Ginro.

After Ginro finished with his "business", [Y/n] bandaged him up and returned back to Senku's side with Inosuke right beside her.

"I'm sure you know what the situation is. If we let Magma make it to the final match, it's game over." Senku said to his team.

"The possibility of Ginro, who's all beaten up, or Senku defeating Magma is closest to zero." [Y/n] muttered.

"So, the only way to save Ruri is for me to defeat Magma." Chrome said, and [Y/n] sadly nodded.

"If you take down Magma, you'll be the new village and Ruri's husband, Chrome." Senku said.

"Magma, Chrome, forward!"

Chrome and Magma stood in front of each other. "There's no way Chrome can beat Magma if they go head-to-head. But this is a team battle." Kohaku said.

"All we can do is hope Kinro's done enough damage to him." Senku added.

"Chrome's been practicing so hard against target, too. I'm sure the gods of battle are watching." Suika said.

"Semi-finals: Magma versus Chrome. Begin!"

Chrome went straight for a jab, but Magma did a heavy swing with his fighting rod, connecting it to Chrome's head. He was down easily. Magma kept beating him and beating him.

[Y/n] cupped her hand over her mouth with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"How cruel..." [Y/n] muttered, and Senku pulled [Y/n] close to his chest, so she wouldn't have to witness this gruesome display. But, she could still hear the sound of the rod connecting to Chrome's body. The faint sound of fractured bones, and Chrome's grunts of pain. [Y/n] clutched her fists on Senku's clothes. It was tearing her to pieces.

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