Home sweet....Bill?

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Dipper POV
"ARE YOU EXCITED BRO!?!" Mabel shouts as we pass a sign that says "Welcome To Gravity Falls." "yep sure am!" i say, I really am just a little nervous, what if something bad happens while i'm here? we see the Mystery Shack from afar. Mabel yells at me to stop the car which i do and re get out and run to the shack. We knock rapidly as we hear someone run to the door guessing it was Stan or Ford. someone opened the door...."GRUNKLE STAN!!!" Mabel shouts hugging him. "Hey kids i have someone that wants to meet you, well you already know them but they've changed..." Stan says as Mabel and i make eye contact. "where are they?" I ask. "THEY ARE HERE!!" Stan yelled. I heard someone run down the stairs. I was met with some guy who was hot as hell. I actually drilled a bit.. "So kids i know he looks different because he's human now but this is Bill Cipher..." Stan says ruining my mood. "WHAT!!" Mabel and i yell in sync. "Hey kids i swear i've changed a lot." Bill says. "How can we trust you?" Mabel asks. "Ill take you to a restaurant and pay for your meal..." Bill says smiling. He has such a good jawline and cheekbones damn, he could make it up by being and ass to me by just fucking me. I think to myself "Pine tree can i talk to you alone?" Bill asks. "Sure." i say as Mabel smiles yelling "I SHIP IT!" to us while Bill takes me to a tree to talk. "You look great too pine tree." Bill says. oh shit he knows what i'm thinking. "indeed i do, you want me to make it up to you as you wanted me too?" Bill whisperd the last part right in my ear which sends shivers down my spine. I let out a small moan and whimper. "cute." He whispers at me. i then slap him and hit his chest muatiple times as he laughs. "that's enough of that." Bill says pinning my arms above my head onto the tree which was on the side of the shack where no one would see us. I wimpier as i see a flash and a hear a click that came from my left. "Mabel!!" I yell as she runs with her picture. Bill snickers and raises and eyebrow. Damn he's hot as hell just fuck me here and now. i think as i night my lip. "Let's wait until we start dating, pine tree." Bill says. "STOP READING MY MIND YOU ASS!!" i yell as i try to slap his cheek but a strong hand grabs my small wrist even though i'm almost 18 i'm only 5'5 and Bill is i'm guessing 6'3-6'6. i wimpier as i look up at him. "i highly suggest you don't slap me, cutie." Bill says winking at the end of his sentence. "Lover birds dinner is ready!" Mabel yells from the door. "Coming!!" i yell looking at bill who leans down and kisses my nose. I start to blush a deep red as we go inside. "Dude you good?" Soos asks me. "Yep!" i say looking at Bill who does that weird tongue swirl (you know what i mean!) while staring at me. Oh shit that's hot as hell i thought blushing, bill then leaned to to my ear and whisperd. "oh really you think i'm hot?" he questioned licking my ear a little which made me shiver. i then elbow him in the side and go sit down for dinner. We had pizza and bill kept grabbing my thigh under the table and kicking my foot. "Where are Mabel and i sleeping ?" I ask. "Well you see Bill re did you room for his own and well soos has room for one more person and so does bill so Dipper can go with Bill and Mabel with soos." Stan said which made me blush. "YAY SOOS!" Mabel said clearly happy i look over to them giving each other a high five. i look over to Bill who is staring at me raising his eyebrow that has a piercing in it and a cut and biting his pierced lip. I start to blush as i start to speak up. "Mabel we have to get our stuff." i say wanting to get fresh air. "I'll help." i heat Bill speak up. "Yea i don't want to." Mabel says i'm guessing she wants us alone. In sight and get up and walk out the door. Bill follows behind and grabs my waist. "Woah." Bill says surprised. "what?" I question really confused. "Your waist is so small my fingers can almost touch." Bill says pressing the front of his body to my back as i'm only 4 feet away from the car. "Billllll."  I complain as i get out of his strong grip around my waist i heard him laugh as i opened the trunk full of Mabels and i's stuff. "Bill come over and help." I say so annoyed already. I then see Mabels stuff and mine float as i turn around to see Bill using his magic to do it. I then role my eyes and walk to the door.

Le time skip
Third pov
Bill and Dipper went to their room to be greeted with a sent in the room that smelled like vanilla and LED light that were set to purple, also a gay flag and a clan room with a king size bed. "Woah what did you do to the room it looks great?" Dipper asked. "Well, no offense but i didn't like your old room so i changed it." Bill said. "I love it Bill!" Dipper says excited jumping into Bills arms. Bill just chuckles a bit and kisses Dippers cheek. Dipper only smiles widely and blushes. Dipper than yawns a little which Bill found adorable. "Awww." Bill says. "Stoppp." Dipper groans as he wraps his legs tighter around Bills waist hitting Bill a little. Bill only laughs as he grabs Dippers ass slightly. "Billlll...." Dipper groans again wrapping his arms around Bills neck putting his head in the crook of Bills neck kissing it slightly. "Are you tired?" Bill asks. "No i'm not, Can we watch a movie?" Dipper asks. "Sure i don't see why not." Bill replies setting Dipper down and grabbing the remote to turn on the TV. Bill turned on Netflix and went to the Horror movie section and put on "Dont Knock Twice" Near the end of the movie where the girl was hiding Dipper was  clinging to Bills arm and he jumped with every jump scare. (I literally just watched cause i'm lame) Dipper then got so scared that he sat in Bills lap. "Awww is pine tree scared?"Bill asked putting his chin on Dippers shoulder

"Oh shut up" Dipper says turning around so his back is to the TV and he's snuggled in Bills chest. Dipper got bored from sitting there and didn't want to watch the movie so he just wanted to fluster Bill a little. Dipper wiggles his butt on Bills thigh and licked Bills neck and nibbled at his ear. Bill let out a small moan as Dipper stopped flustering Bill he whined i'm loss of contact. "You are so lucky i'm tired, Pine tree" Bill says wrapping his arms tighter around dippers waist. It was obvious Bill likes Dipper and it was obvious on Dippers end too. "Hey Dipper?" Bill asked. To be honest Dipper blushed a little because Bill never said his name before. "Hm?" Dipper said muffled a little because his face was in Bills neck. "Do you like me at all?" Bill asked. Dipper then got up and sat on Bills lap properly and looked at Bills blues eyes. "Of course I do Bill." Dipper says caressing Bills cheek. "Dipper will you be my boyfriend?" Bill asks in a cheerful manner smiling widely. Dipper blushed and went back to the position he was in. Bill was dating circles on Dippers back and then felt Dipper licking Bills neck again. Bills pants got tighter on him as he moaned a little. Bill knew he would not let Dipper and him have sex in the first day so he just took it. Dipper bit down hard on Bills neck. Bill moaned loudly. "Dipper Pines." Bill said fed up with it. Dipper whined and put his head in bills neck and fell asleep. Bill had a problem. You know. Down there, so he carefully picked up Dipper and placed him down on the bed. He went to the bathroom and did his business till he heard a knock. "Bill hurry up." Dipper whined outside of the door. Bill respond with a quick "5 more minutes."
Bill then heard the door knob wiggle and the door quickly opened and closed and he say Dipper by the door. "Want me to help with that?" Dipper said so innocently. "I- yea s-sure." Bill said pulling down his pants all the way.  Dipper walked over and got in his knees slowly stroking Bills long member making Bills breath hitch. "f-fuck, Pine tree, that feels so good." Bill moaned as Dipper started to lick Bills tip making Bill moan. Dipper started to go deeper and sucked faster on Bills member. Bill moaned louder pushing Dippers mouth farther down his member grabbing Dippers hair in his hand stroking his hair pulling it back slightly and forcing his mouth down again. Around a minute later Bill came in Dippers mouth. Bill grabbed Dippers hair and pulled him up banking Dipper moan slightly. "Wow. You like when i pull your hair huh?" Bill said as he saw his own come dripping down Dipper chin. Bill then took his thumbs and wiped his come off of Dippers chin and put his thumb that had come on it and Dipper sucked on his thumb making eye contact with Bill at the same time. Once Bills thumb was clean he pulled up his pants and asked Dipper if they wanted to take a shower with him.
⚠️Smut over⚠️
After they took their shower and shared a couple kisses. They went back to Bills room and turned off the TV and cuddled up, and went to sleep.

Time skip to le morning

Third POV
Dipper woke up to find himself in a warm embrace by the one and only demon Bill. He sat up a little kissing Bills cheek, neck, then his lips. Bill then woke up to see the cute Dipper kissing his lips which Bill kissed back at. "Good morning Bill." Dipper said. "Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Bill asked making Dipper blush. "Good, you?" Dipper respond. "I slept pretty well." Bill said. "I'm hungryyyy." Dipper complained. Bill just laughed. "Don't laugh at me!" Dipper said gently hitting Bill in the arm.
"I can do whatever I please" Bill said. "Make breakfast." Dipper said then he kissed Bills cheek "Fine." Bill said getting up and going to the kitchen to make pancakes.
Time skip to everyone awake
Mabel walked down the stairs as Bill was dishing up the last plate of pancakes. "Bill, Dipper can i talk to you two?" Mabel asked. They went to Bills room an sat down. "If you guys do that stuff please either use a condom or be more quiet." Mabel said mailing Dipper blush and Bill smile widely. "Sure thing Shooting star." Bill said looking over at the blushing Dipper. Mabel then left leaving Bill and Dipper in the room. Dipper got on Bills lap sitting and smiling at Bill. "I love you Bill." Dipper said making Bill hold him closer wrapping his arms around Dippers waist and Dipper wrapping his arms around Bills shoulders. "I love you too Dipper." Bill said making Dipper blush at the Bill saying his real name. They both payed down and cuddled and then went back to sleep. Bill kissed Dippers head as Dipper looked up and kissed Bill on the lips, they both went to sleep in each other's embrace.

|Hello children definitely not of god because you read this but anyways, thank you for reading and thank you for 1.11k reads in my kiribaku♥|

2054 words

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Out of all the stars you stood out🌟✨ A Billdip storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat