Chapter 7

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  "But Yane,I can't do it,"

  "It's okay,Mutsuki,you'll learn to soon enough. Just wear the eyepatch until then," Ayane said,bending in front of Mutsuki so that they were eye to eye. That was enough reassurance for the latter;if Ayane said it was okay,then it probably was.

  Mutsuki nodded and Ayane took it as her cue to leave. She got up and backed away from the couches until she could see all of their faces clearly. Her new squad,the quinx,where she was the leader.

  Due to the fact that they had just undergone surgery and still learning to control their newfound power,they'd been provided a seperate house to live in together by the CCG itself. They were half ghouls,just like her,except that theirs was surgically implanted.

Over the past year she had dedicated so much time to their well-being and health that the Quinx almost felt like family to her.

She looked at Mutsuki on the left,who thought of Ayane as an elder sister,and Saiko beside him,who wasn't much interested in much else except mangas and videogames,Shirazu,who grinned up at his leader,and Urie, the most unwelcoming towards her of them all.

  She put her hands on her hips and addressed them." Alright guys,now that we're all settled in,let's have a housewarming party tonight. I've already invited the people and I believe preparing for the party all together will help us get accustomed to this whole teamwork thing."

  Their responses were just as she expected. An enthusiastic approval from Saiko and Shirazu,a sweet smile and a nod from Mutsuki,and no response from Urie.

  "Who's invited?" He asked

  "Investigators Suzuya,Mado,Arima,Ui and a few more,"

His head perked up at those names. All high ranked and well-respected. Damn,how did she manage to get them all to come? He had to make a good impression.

. . .

Despite Ayane's clear instructions,they struggled so much most of the work had to be done by her. She didn't mind,they'd get better with time.

Leaving them to last-minute preparations,she left to get dressed. She stepped out in a dark green maxi skirt and a lacy black top. She got compliments from almost everyone.

Arima was the first to arrive. He was instantly the object of everyone's adoration and he greeted them all politely except Ayane with whom he was a little more genial.

Juuzou's squad and Akira came next,and Juuzou practically jumped into her arms with his usual grin. The Quinx were all a little terrified of Juuzou,so they could do nothing more than give uncomfortable smiles as Ayane squeezed his entire body. The senior investigators looked amused.

"Finally,you get your own squad,I'll miss going on missions together so much." His squad nodded in agreement.

"I'll still see you at the office,though,"

After a bunch of others came,she found herself with a few moments of privacy with Arima,who had taken care of her for the last two years like a parent.

"I am going to miss you,you know," she said,"I was getting used to you taking care of me. Bet you're happy this irritating source of noise pollution is gone now,aren't you?"

"Not really,the house is going to feel all dull and empty again without you,"

"You could always get a pet to keep you company like Akira does. That way I may come around more,"

"I-" before he could finish,she was dragged off by Shirazu saying something about Juuzou teaching him a trick and accidentally getting a dozen knives lined high up on the kitchen cabinets.

She laughed when when she saw the counter,and was even more amused when Urie started grumbling about it. Then she high-fived Juuzou and got up on a chair to retrieve the knives because no one else was going to.

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