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  "You cannot be serious Arima,a half ghoul at CCG?" Yoshitaka asked.

    "She does not remember her ghoul identity,"

    "That does not erase her previous crimes,I say we kill her once we are done experimenting," said another member of the council.

    "We can make further use of the half-ghoul by keeping her alive,the half ghoul is perfectly innocent. Rize Kamishiro was turned into a ghoul against her will and is more than willing to join our ranks in exchange for freedom,"

  "And you figured that out through one conversation only," Yoshitaka said drily.  
"What about when she does  regains her memories?"

    "Doctors say she will not regain her memories for the next few years;she was almost dead when I took her in. Still,the half -ghoul will be kept an eye on at all times by Special Class Investigators and never left alone. That way someone will be there to take care of things before any real damage is done,and besides,the half-ghoul might just adapt to our ideals once she finds that she no longer needs to depend on human flesh to stay alive who knows," Arima said,knowing the Council was far from convinced. But he knew he would persuade them,deep down they knew better than to question his judgment.

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