Chapter 4

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Juuzou Suzuya was late to the meeting once again. This was nothing new in the CCG. His team simply sat there with Mado's team not even embarassed anymore at the tardiness of their mentor,knowing that's just how he was.

  The meeting started without him,and after about thirty minutes into it the doors flung open and Juuzou walked in,a young girl following behind him.

   "I apologize for being late once again,it's just I had to retrieve a new colleague. Ladies and gentleman,meet Ayane Kirishima,Third Class Investigator," he said as Ayane bowed to them.

   He took his place next to the head of the table opposite Akira as Ayane sat on one of the empty chairs. Many high ranked ghouls who recognized her identity sent glares her way but she tried to not look at them. She knew she was responsible for the deaths of many of their coworkers.

  Akira however,was excluded from the list and portrayed no emotion whatsoever. Neither her nor Juuzou showed any indication of their ulterior motives regarding Ayane. They were simply following Yoshitaka Washuu,the Bureau Director of CCG and their respected superiors' orders.

  "Suzuya,Mado,I will need you two to keep an eye on Ayane Kirishima.It is already a risk to allow a half ghoul inside CCG,so make sure the risk pays off and her skills are exploited to the full potential."

  He had also told them to make sure she felt no temptation to return to her previous friends and family.

Which was exactly Juuzou's plan. Keep her under his watch 24/7 and earn her trust. Akira's plan was a bit more tactical. She offered to train with Ayane to memorize her strengths and weaknesses,although the more she trained with Arima,the more difficult it would get,she thought.

  They were distracted from their thoughts when Matsuri Washuu spoke. "Now that everyone is here,let us resume once again. The SS rated ghoul named Zachary has been reported to have kidnapped several children from Daisuke Eiichi orphanage and leave their remains on several alleyways over the course of two and a half months. We have yet to find any clues as to where his stack of children are kept or even where his next victim may be found."

  "It's almost as if he is mocking us by leaving the remains of the children to be found," Akira added.

  "Our plan of action now will be to search and patrol all the alleyways in the 2oth ward in disguise like always. If something familiar is found,attack first question later. Mado,Suzuya,split up your teams." He said

  He then stepped aside to show everyone the pictures of the masked ghoul named Zachary. Akira begun grouping the members of her team while Suzuya did the same.

  "Abara,Nakarai,Mizurou,you three patrol together. I will go with the rookie so I can teach her a few things," he said.

  He then turned towards her and looped his arms around her,like she did before. The high ranked imvestigators sent their looks of shock and disgust once more. One of their most skilled,intermingling with a ghoul? Some of them hoped that Juuzou planned to leave her to die somewhere and that all of this was a sick joke.

. . .

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