OC for Hobbit rp

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Name: Luna Smith

Age: 200

Race:Half Elf Half skin changer


Looks: lond white hair, peirceing blue eyes while in Elvish form, yellow in wolf form, constantly wearing armor for she is a warrior, has a long scar that goes from her shoulder blade to her hip from a fight with an elf in Mirkwood.

Personality: Tough when you tresspass onto her queens lands but kind and caring once she gets to know you.

Backstory: her mother was a full blooded elf and her father was a skin changer, her mother and father where killed by orcs, Luna was taken in and raised by Galadriel queen of the wood when her parents died. She has become Galadriel's person and trusted warrior throughout the 200 years she has lived, she looked for her soulmate for 100 years of her life when she didn't find him she vowed that if she was to live this life without a mate then she would become a warrior and serve her queen, even knowing that she is a warrior she still hopes to find her soulmate some day, she vowed that she wanted to feel loved before she dies and joins her mother and father in the afterlife

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