Chapter 14: Points Of View

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Finn's POV:

When I come out of my meditation I see Rey meditating some distance from me. She is crying and shaking like a leaf, out of worry I get up from my spot and go stand next to her, "Rey?" I say as I lightly shake her right shoulder. When she snaps out of her meditation, she screams out for Ben, then collapses in my arms, clearly exhausted from whatever it was. "Let's get you back to your quarters so you can rest for a while. I think you pushed yourself way too hard and way too fast. You are still recovering after all." I'm poorly attempting to carry her back to her quarters when I see Poe, Rose, and BB-8 in the distance at the entrance of the base, I call for their help. When we get her back to her quarters, we put her in her small bed. I explain what happened out there.

Poe's POV:

Once we get Rey settled in, I pull Finn and Rose aside for an emergency meeting. BB-8 stays by her side. "Look, guys, I am getting very concerned over Rey. We are getting ready to move bases and prepare for another war. She has not been well enough to fight at all and since she got here she has been getting nothing but worse. That and she has this other secret mission she is on that she has barely mentioned, and force only knows what else she's up to." I explain. "Are you suggesting we can't trust her at the moment?" Rose asks and I respond, "Yes that's exactly what I am saying..." I'm about to finish my sentence when I receive a slap across the face from Finn. I stumbled back and almost hit Rey's desk. "Owww! Finn, what was that for?" I complain. Finn goes on to explain that he is force sensitive and how Rey is now just starting to train him. He explains what he learned through his first meditation session which is hard to understand, I and Rose pick up on two things.

1. Rey is weak without Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo, due to the way the force connected them to be so closely intertwined in every way.

2. Rey is even weaker because there is something physically going on with her that he can sense but he can not tell what it is.

Those two points, the fact she is training Finn, and she is trying to continue and expand her own training sinks in. I start to feel like an idiot for ever thinking she would be so shallow.

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