The Australian Magpie

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It was nice Spring afternoon in a small beach town in New South Wales, Australia. Only a few hours down the road from Sydney... 7 hours away. That's where Andrew's parents were saying their goodbyes to his grandmother Jesse.
While Andrew stayed in the small beach town to look after the family dog. Andrew was 18 and still living at home, stuck in the town no where to go because well he doesn't have a job nor a car to travel to the city.
But never stopped him from helping out his parents.
He not going to the funeral because he never even met his Grandmother Jesse... His parents never really cared for their other family members to even have their son meet anybody. Andrew only knows his parents and the towns people.

Andrew was walking the dog down his street. When he felt a pair of eyes stalking him. He stops and looks behind him. No was there, no one was around him. At least he couldn't see no one, and the dog wasn't alert, just a normal joe dog happy to be outside and on it's walk.

Andrew shrugged it off and kept walking, if the dog wasn't on guard and alert, then there shouldn't be any trouble. This didn't stop the feeling of him being watched though, he'd occasionally look over his shoulders. But no one was ever seen, and he also didn't see any stray animals near.

Andrew couldn't shake of that feeling, he couldn't sleep well that night. When daylight came through he went for a short walk to the shops. There was that feeling again of him being watched. This time it felt like the eyes were closer. Andrew stopped and looked around, this time there was this magpie sitting on a roof, eyeing him down. Watching his every move. It made a caw! Sound at him.
"Caw caw!"
Andrew slowly turned around and kept walking, he was nearing the park he cuts through. The magpie "Caw!" Again. Flew up and sat on a mailbox that was in front of Andrew. And loudly hisses at him. Andrew awkwardly laughed. "Nice birdie" He takes a step back and goes around the magpie. "Caw!" It flys up and swoops him. Andrew screams and ducks running into the park. Another magpie swoops him, and a few others start to swoop him. Andrew can't see where he is going as he protecting his eyes. He runs into a tree and falls over. The magpies began to swoop and peck at him. Andrew screams for help, crying in pain. And tries to shoo them away but there's too many.
The magpies become more angry and more aggressive. They swoop and peck, pulling at his flesh. Andrew kicked one of them. The big magpie swoops in and pecks his eyes. Pulling one of his eyes out of its eye sockets. Andrew screams in pain, he has a break to stand and run. Covering where his eye would has been, he tries to escape.

It was no use. More magpies came, these ones where the younger, faster, bigger and stronger. The swoop at him, tripping him over, they peck at him taking more flesh.

Andrew screams out one more time, giving in. He closes his eye for one last time.

The magpies finish with him and fly away. Taking his two eyes with them.

A crow flies over and stands on his back. Calling out. An elderly lady comes out with some bread, and using her walking stick to held herself up.
"Oh deary. This is why we feed them to keep ourselves save" She feeds the crow. And goes back inside.

(Idea from: Real life event.. sort of. Once I was walking and had a magpie hiss at me, while another magpie swooped me.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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