The Winking Coffee

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It was an early morning, for a person that lives alone and doesn't drink coffee. So it was very bizarre when they noticed a mug on their kitchen bench, which had steam coming out of it from the rim.
They called out to see if anyone was near, as expected they didn't get any reply. They even looked around their house to see if anyone was hiding. They looked behind curtains, in cupboards and under their bed. No one was there except for themselves. They went back to the kitchen to inspect the mug. They notice it was coffee by the smell and by the look of how dark it was compared to their normal tea they'd normally have. They also noticed they've never seen this mug before, so where did it come from.

They gave it a normal look, picking the mug up so they could tip it down the sink. That was until it formed a face like, and winked at them. Putting the mug back down on the bench and stepping back. I whispered voice was in their ear.. "Hehe, I'm gonna kill you"

Shocked and frightened they looked around, still no one was there. No one was near. No one was around. They looked at the coffee again.. a wicked smile this time. They hurried out of the kitchen in a panic and running up stairs to their room, grabbing their phone and dialling 911.

"Hello 911?" They spoke softly.
"Hello what's your emergency?" The operator spoke.
"I think the coffee wants to kill me!" They cried.
"Um okay.." the operator responded, not sure if they're serious. "You need to calm down" the operator told them.
While on the phone they went back to the kitchen, the mug was still there. "Calm down! I can't calm down this coffee wants to kill me, it's winking at me and has an evil smile!" They cried, looking at the coffee.
"Are you sure?" The operator had asked.
"Yes I'm sure! I'm looking right at it, there's more steam now" They cried stepping back from the mug.
"Okay I'll send help right away" the operator says.
They drop the phone. The last thing the operator hears is the phone dropping, the person screaming in pain and a mug smashing. The operator calls out to the person but doesn't get any response. They send out a dispatch.

The officer knocks on the door. No answer. He knocks again, this time he tries calling out to the person. Nothing.

With force the officer opens the front door and enters the house. To his right is the kitchen. On the kitchen floor is a coffee spill, a broken mug and the body of the person on the floor, their face was submerged into the coffee. The officer approaches the body with caution and checked to see if there was any sign of them still being alive... there isn't any. It seems they had drowned in the coffee spill.

After reporting in and finishing his shift. He had headed back home to his wife, Wifi. That's what her mother and father had named her.

He tells her about his strange day he had have, and especially about the person and the coffee.
"That's strange.. when I came back home from doing the shopping there was a mug of coffee on our steps and it winked"

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