The Arguement

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Celestia's POV:

Finally, the day is done.....

My horn glowed as the sun went down, creating a beautiful, orange sunset.

I turned around and headed inside the castle, greeting the guards as I went past. My hoofsteps echoed through the empty hallway as I searched for my sister.


No response...

"Luna? Where are you? It's time to start the-"

I was cut off when I heard sobs and whimpers in her room. Worry bubbled deep inside me as I opened the door, making it creak a little.

What I saw, filled me with pity.

Luna was in her bed, but she's doing the opposite of sleeping. In fact, her pillows are soaked in her own tears.

"Are you alright dear sister?"

The dark blue alicorn didn't even move.... or speak.

I can't bear seeing her like this. Being the older sibling, I have to do something. What could put a smile back to her face?

A few moments later, my face brightened up as an idea came to mind. I've been trying to find the right time to spend time with her ever since I saw her in a bad mood today. What better time than right now?

"Hey." I whispered.

"Are you still looking forward for our walk in the garden? I'm sure we still have a few-"


Her sudden outburst almost made my heart jumped out of my chest.

"This is all your fault!"

"Me? What did I do?" I said, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"You made everypony love you so much. Too much! Ever since this morning, NOPONY showed any respect to me! It's always been Celestia, Celestia, Celestia!"

"Luna please...."

"You have no idea how this feels. I work hard to maintain harmony and this is what I get?! What am I? Your SERVANT?!"

Different kinds of emotions filled me up. Anger, Surprised, Scared, but most of all..... Hurt.

"Luna, I do not approve of this type of behavior. Stop this at once! I was trying to cheer you up!"

"UGH! I knew you wouldn't understand! I don't need you. I don't need anypony!"

"Luna, please listen to me!"

Luna's eyes narrowed into slits and growled loudly.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" She cried, as she angrily used her magic to push me out and close the door in my face, forcefully.

I could do nothing but stare. I was speechless. Luna....

She would never act like this...

Sighing, I turned to my room. "She just needs some time to think" I murmured to myself. She will come around... eventually.

I took one last glance at Luna's room before walking away.

"I'm sorry dear sister..."

Luna's POV:

I paced back and forth in my room. There was nothing but the sound of my own hoofsteps.

At least.... for a while.

A familiar voice echoed in my mind once again.

Heheheh.... Now you see? Are you convinced now my dear?

I stared at the ground silently. This doesn't feel right. What I did was horrible.

Ignoring whatever that thing is, I peeked out of my room and went out. I need to apologize.

Where do you think you're going?

"I have to find my sister."

Why apologize? It's the ponies' fault that they don't respect night time.

I paused, thinking hard. My gaze went outside through a window. It was so dark.

The moon isn't up yet...

My horn glowed and the full, white moon rose, shining down its gentle moonlight upon Equestria. It was all so peaceful.

Too bad most of the ponies are asleep and can't see this kind of beauty....

I sighed as I kept reflecting on that thought.

You want ponies to respect you right?...

I found myself agreeing and nodding. It felt like I lost control of all my senses.

Then join me....
We will make them appreciate night time...

A dark cloud surrounded me as I shifted form, but I didn't mind it one bit.

It felt sooo good...
Heh. Who needs harmony anyway?

My horn glowed once again as I cloaked the moon with my magic. As I did so, my whole appearance changed.

The darkness' voice and my own started talking in sync.

I'm sorry my little ponies. I'm afraid you won't see the light of day after this....

If you can't see the beauty of night time. I will force you to!

Tonight, all of Equestria will bow down to their new ruler...


I chuckled evily as it slowly turned into maniacal laughter. It echoed all through out the throne room.

Sweet dreams sister....

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