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Luna's POV

The garden was filled with sounds of crickets chirping and leaves rustling, as I sat there in the field...


I still won't allow myself to believe that Celestia would ever shut me out. "It's all just a dream" I keep reminding myself.

Two butterflies flew past me, flying in perfect harmony as they both landed on some flowers nearby. I sighed, feeling loneliness rush over.

It started to grew dark. I looked up to see the sun slowly descending over the horizon. Through the window of the throne room, I can see Celestia doing her last thing to do on her list:

"Lowering the sun"

She noticed me and responded with a smile and a wave before going towards her room to rest.

"Smile and wave..." I thought to myself, slightly annoyed. That's what she always does and somehow gets all the love and attention, while I am here with no company whatsoever.

Welp, time to start the first thing on my list. Concentrating, I closed my eyes as my horn started to glow.

As the sun disappeared, I used my magic to bring up the moon and start the night. Nocturnal animals, such as owls, started coming out of their homes.

A smile formed on my face as I watched some fireflies nearby. "It's good to know at least someone enjoys my night time." I muttered to myself.

Night is as beautiful as Morning, so why am I not getting any respect?

I shook the negative thoughts off as my horn started glowing again.
Time to go to the dream realm...

I watched as my surroundings turned dark and bubbles with different dreams appeared.

"One is about a sunny morning in Ponyville...."

"One is filled with lots of colorful and fragant flowers...."

"Another one is about jelly..."


"I'm not even gonna ask..."

Some dreams are wonderful and some are just....plain silly. But I am not here to judge that. There are some nightmares too, and it is my duty to protect everypony from them.

They all look fine. No nightmares. It's all good.

"So.... Now you know the truth"

My ears perked up as I heard the same voice from before.

"Show yourself!" I cried.

The only sound heard was a menacing laugh.

"My dear, I don't have a physical appearance. I'm mainly just a voice inside your head..."

"But that will soon change..."

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"Enough talk. You saw it right in front of your own eyes. Your sister doesn't have time or care about you"

I began to feel weak as those words pierced through me like a sword.

"N-no. She would never-"

"Abandon you? Trust me princess. By the end of tomorrow, you'll realize that she never had any respect for you."

And just like that, it was gone in a flash. Negative thoughts filled my mind once more. Deciding to ignore them for now, I continued going around the dream realm.


Birds started chirping as I exited the realm. Using my magic, I lowered the moon to make way for the rising sun.

"Good Morning sister"

I turned to see Celestia flew towards me but for some reason, I wasn't as please like I always was with her presence.

"Morning Tia" I responded with a blank tone while at the same time, walking outside to get some fresh air. Celestia followed behind me.

"Are you alright? You're not acting like yourself."

"Just a bit tired"

"Umm, okay?"


Hearing the sudden voice made me jump a little. We both turned to the source and saw a young filly and a colt. They are both grinning widely at the sight of Celestia.

"What are you doing here little foals?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, we were just passing by from our sleepover with our other friend and just happened to see you here." The filly responded.

"Hope we didn't bother you." The colt said, shyly.

"No, you didn't bother us. It's okay." I said gently, giving an effort to smile.

The foals didn't bother to even look at me. Then they started whispering.

"I can't believe we are talking to the ruler of Equestria!"

"I know! Told you we would talk to her sooner or later"

"Shut up! You don't need to rub it in"

This is awkward....

We can hear every single word they're saying.

Celestia seemed to be thinking the same thing because she was staring at me with an uncomfortable expression.

"Umm, if you don't mind. Can you go somewhere and enjoy your morning?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry...umm...err." the filly shifted her hooves in an awkward way and turned to her friend.

"Psst...Who is she again?"

"I don't have a clue. But let's try not to he rude"

They started to walk away, waving goodbye.

As soon as they are out of sight, I groaned annoyingly.

Not even a foal knows my name....

"I'll just.... go to my room..." I said grumpily.

"Are you sure you're okay?"


Celestia jumped back a little in surprise.

Whatever that thing was, it's words sure did made a huge impact on me...

"Sorry. I just need time on my own"

As we entered the castle, the guards nearby, bowed in respect.

"Good Morning, your Majesty"

Celestia nodded her head in gratitude.

Me? Oh....


My mood worsened, and it's totally not a good way to start the day.

I stormed upstairs to my room, ignoring everything else in my way. As soon as I'm inside, I went to my bed, exhausted.

I sighed.

Maybe a good rest would brighten me up.....

Celestia's POV:

My gaze kept focused on Luna's bedroom.

Poor thing.... She must be really saddened that I canceled our walk in the garden.

The voice of a guard, telling me it's time to go, interrupted my thoughts.

Taking one last look at my sister's bedroom, I promised myself:

I will make it up to her.....

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