Chapter Eight: Everything Feels So Perfect

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F/N L/N's (Laura Jean Covey) P.O.V:

"Thanks, dad. See you in a couple of days," I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Well, honey, we need to talk about your sexual health," my dad states before I can open the door to leave.

"No. Please, no. No!"

"As your father, I think you're way too young to have sex," he sighs and I nod quickly, "Did you know most unwanted teenage pregnancies are the result of expecting abstinence? I know that you're smart enough not to do things just because a boy may want to."

"Okay, let's make this end."

"It's your decision. I want you to be safe," he smiles and hands me a yellow envelope.

"Dad," I roll my eyes and look in the package to find condoms, "why are you giving me these?" 

"Pulling out is not protection!"

"Oh, my God! I'm leaving. Bye," I exclaim and stuff the envelope in my carry on bag.

I exit the vehicle quickly to avoid all the embarrassment my dad was thrusting upon me. I go to the backseat to get my luggage out and my dad tries to make up for this whole mess.

"Don't forget to have fun," my dad awkwardly smiles.

"Yes, well, I have a lot of rubbers for that, specifically," I angrily whisper and slam the door shut.

I leave my suitcase with the rest of the students and hoist myself on the bus. I look around for a place to sit and then I make eye contact with Josh. He smiles and waves his hand at me. I gulp and continue to walk past him.

"Whoa. Hey, where are you going," Josh asks as he tries to stop himself right in front of me.

"I'm going to go sit with B/F/N," I explain smiling.

"B/F/N? Come on, look at her. She's sleeping," Josh points to her and everyone can see shes dead asleep, "I saw her Snapchat. She was up all night at this EDM concert thing."

"Well, that's more reason to go sit with her," I push past him, "Don't want her to go swallowing her tongue or anything."

I watch his expression fall when I take a seat next to the sleeping B/F/N. Then I see Debby walk up with a huge smile.

"Is this seat taken," shes asks standing next to Josh.

"Uh...nope," he sighs and sits back down.

"Good," she smirks and glares at me as she sits down.

"This was a mistake," I whisper to B/F/N and she slaps my face.

"Sorry, reflexes," she yawns loudly, "Plus you're telling me. I can't believe I let you convince me to go on a trip that requires getting up before 7:00."

"My bad," I giggle as she leans on my shoulder to continue her slumber.

The bus begins to drive and I rest my head on B/F/N. Her small snores are calming as I think about the whole Josh situation. Most of the time on the bus was me overthinking while B/F/N slept, but an hour in I finally decided to close my eyes. I didn't dream of anything it was slightly peaceful, but I kind of miss having sweet thoughts and not sadness constantly around me.

"Who goes to an EDM concert on a school night," I ask as the bus pulls to a stop indicating we reached our destination.

"Uh, lots of people do," she retorts and we exit the bus to enter the resort, "It wasn't necessarily like an EDM concert, it was more like a rock..."

To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018) Joshua Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now