Chapter Seven: You Have To Get Josh

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F/N L/N's (Laura Jean Covey) P.O.V:

"Remind me again why we have to eat these subs under the bleachers," I ask as the cold December air nips at my face.

"Dude, we can't have these contraband Subway cups out in the open," B/F/N exaggerates as she munches on her sandwich, "Don't want the 'powers-that-be,' catching on to my lunchtime truancy vibes. P.S that sub is delicious, right?"

I open my mouth to answer, but before I can speak, a squealy voice begins to talk on top of the bleachers.

"I don't know, Josh. It's like you don't have time for me anymore! Literally, all you do is hang out with her," Debby cries out.

"Am I supposed to wait around for you like an idiot while you're off with some college guy," Josh retorts.

"We should get out of here. This sounds private," I whisper, and B/F/N hits me with her sub.

"Are you insane? That's your boyfriend," she whispers more aggressively.

"He's not a good listener," Debby continues.

"'Cause he's not constantly there for you like I was. Deb, you can't keep doing this to me," Josh slightly begs.

"She's not coming on the ski trip, is she? That's our thing!"

"What does it matter? You have a boyfriend!"

"Yeah, but...maybe by then...I won't."

"Duuuude, Debby is after your man," B/F/N exclaims and looks at me for any indication of anger or sadness.

I don't say anything, and I stare at the sub in my hands. I know this was the whole idea of us fake dating. Josh would get Debby back, and I would get Brendon off my back, so why does it hurt so much? 

After lunch, I went to my last classes and decided to confront the only other person I trust. Would it be weird? Yes, but I just needed someone to listen to me.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want to hear about Josh stuff. I guess I needed to talk to someone I thought might understand. I just feel like the more used to him I get, the more it's gonna hurt when he inevitably gets back with Debby, and I'm so mad at myself because I should've seen this coming," I explain and stare at Brendon with wide, confused eyes.

"Nah, I'm good. I don't know what to tell you. That sucks. I'm sorry," Brendon coughs, looking down at his feet.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I just didn't know what to d-," I try to apologize, but someone calls my name.

"F/N," Josh exclaims, and I spin around to face him.

His eyes squint in confusion as he tries to figure out why I would be talking to Brendon. As soon as Brendon notices Josh, he stands up straighter and coughs.

"Want me to wait," Brendon asks, staring at Josh.

"You'd better not," I reason and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'll catch you later," Brendon calls after me as I walk towards Josh.

"What do you think people are going to say when they see my girlfriend cozying up with Urie," Josh sternly whispers as we walk through the halls

"What do you think people are gonna say when they hear you're practically begging to get back with Debby on the bleachers," I retort, trying to keep my demeanor calm and collected.

"Oh, so you're spying on me now?"

"Not intentionally," I roll my eyes and walk towards the auditorium due to the lack of people.

"Okay, so I was talking to Debby. So what? You don't even post about us on your Instagram," he exclaims following after me.

"Well, I don't want to see my sisters to see!"

"Yeah, like L/S/N's gonna care," he scoffs and ruffles his hair.

"I'm not talking about L/S/N. I'm talking about O/S/N. Look, Josh...I don't think either one of us thought this was going to go on for this long, but Josh and I are cool, Debby is officially jealous, I think that we need to call it!"

"I cannot believe you're trying to break up with me before the ski trip. That's in the contract."

"Yeah, only if we're still together."

"We are still together! You're just trying to pull out because you're scared."

"What do I have to be scared about?"

"You tell me, L/N," Josh huffs, and I can't bring my eyes to face him.

He waits for my answer as I continue to stare at my feet. I mean, how do you tell your fake boyfriend you can't go skiing with him because you're starting to have real feelings? You can't. So you pivot.

"I'll go if B/F/N goes," I say, managing to look in his eyes.

"And how do I get her to go," he scoffs, and I shrug.

"That's not on me to figure out," I state and leave him standing there.

I catch the bus home, even though it isn't my favorite form of transportation, but it's better than being with Josh. I text B/F/N to come over so that Josh couldn't get to her first, and she happily agrees.

"I do not deny your right to put food on the table or your family. I just think it's odd that a man would want to become a gynecologist. Like when you were in college, you thought, 'I'd really love to look at vaginas all day,' I listen as B/F/N hassles my dad.

"I'm going to leave the kitchen now, B/F/N," he awkwardly smiles as he leaves with a glass of white wine.

I watch as he walks up the stairs, and B/F/N finally joins me on the couch.

"So, why is your boyfriend harassing me to go on a ski trip," B/F/N asks as she plops herself next to me.

"Wow, already? This discussion just happened like five minutes ago," I say, surprised.

"Yeah, he's been blowing up my phone since I got out of class. You know I don't do school functions."

"Yes, and that is why I told him I would only go if you could, knowing that you wouldn't!"

" have to go! Debby is definitely going to make a move on Josh if you stay home!"

"So, let her. I'm sick of having her little snake eyes on me all the time."

"Dude, no! Debby always gets what she wants, and that's complete and utter bullshit! You have to get Josh! I'll make sure of it. I'm coming on that ski trip!"

"I'm really tired of you using me to get back at Debby."

"Okay, she stole my unicorn slippers when were five, but it's not just that! Since you've been with Josh, well, I don't know, F/N, I've never seen you so happy," she says and hugs me.

"Honey, she is right," my dad chimes in jogging down the stairs, "I'm sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping, but I haven't seen you have so much fun going to parties and making new friends. You made your old man very happy."

"That was kinda sweet," B/F/N sighs happily and looks at me.

"Yeah, he's great," I giggle, shaking my head.

To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018) Joshua Dun x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin