Chapter Four: Okay, deal

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F/N L/N's (Laura Jean Covey) P.O.V:

I huff as I look out Josh's window on my ride back home. He forced me to let him drive me back. He said he didn't want me to get hit or anything. When he said that, I couldn't help but allow my heart to swell from his kind words. He even packed my bike in for me in the back of his Jeep. I feel the car stop, and I awaken from my daydream.

"Thanks for the ride," I smile, and he nods his head

"Yeah, sure. It was a better choice than 'your ride,'" he states with air-quotes.

"Harhar, so uh, sorry for the whole jumping and kissing on you thing,"

"It's fine. It could've been worse, right," he smirks, and I look away bashfully.

"So what're you going to say to Urie," he asks, and I sigh deeply.

"I guess I'm gonna have to tell him the truth."

"Yeah, but, you know...what is the truth? Do you like him, do you not like him?"

"It's not your problem, Josh," I smile sadly and unbuckle my seatbelt.

I open the car door and hop out of his Jeep. He continues to stare at me with uncertainty in his eyes, but I just smile and get my bike out the back of his car. Once I get it off, I roll it back to my house slowly. I'm overwhelmed by all these thoughts, but then I feel a tug on my bike. I turn around and see Josh there.

"Hold on! What if you didn't tell him?"


"What if we let people think we were actually together? I mean just for a little while. And not just Urie. I mean everybody."

"Why would you want that?"

"Well, for starters, when Debby heard you kissed me, she went nuts, and if she thinks you and I are a thing, she'll want to get back together!"

"Oh, so you want to use me as your pawn?"

"Ah, well, you see, technically, you used me as your pawn first when you jumped me," he explains, and I stare at him before walking away with my bike.

"You don't have to give me an answer now, just think about it, okay," he shouts as I continue to walk to my front door.

"Yep, but don't hold your breath!"

I leave my bike on the front porch and turn the doorknob to head inside. I look back once more to see Josh walk to his car, and I start to think about his offer.

Joshua Dun's (Peter Kavinsky) P.O.V:

Once I hear F/N's door shut, I begin to walk to my Jeep. As I head off, I see Urie there taking out his recycling.

"Yo, Urie, yeah," I ask as I notice him staring at me.

"Taking F/N home," he avoids my question, obviously worried about my intentions.

"Looks like it," I reply and open the door to my car.

"Hey, how long you two been hanging out," he asks before I can close my door to leave, and I decide to answer.

"Uh, not long," I reply and fully close my door.

I growl as I watch him retreat back in his home, and I can't help but feel a bit jealous. How could someone like him hold F/N's heart? He's so...lame. I drive away, and I start to think about the offer I gave to F/N.

F/N L/N's (Laura Jean Covey) P.O.V:

I lay on my bedroom floor with all these thoughts looming over me. What if I have to tell Brendon the truth? What if I accept Josh's offer? What I -? My thoughts are interrupted by the vibration of my phone. I sigh, then pull it out of the pocket of my sweatshirt and see the notification. It's another call from Brendon.

To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018) Joshua Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now