5 | Jealousy

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I opened up my eyes and kneed him. Right in the balls. My specialty. 

He cried in pain, clutching onto his little baby maker. I smirked and laughed. "Don't play with me. Are you serious? Doing these things because you are jealous. I actually thought you were in love with me." 

"What are you talking about?" he spitted out, still groaning. "You--wow--kick really hard." 

I shrug. "You dislike Xander and try to make him jealous, right? You want to be the 'hottest' guy. The only one. How did I know? Well people are arguing who's hotter, the new student or the new teacher. You must've heard." I explained to him, quoting 'hottest' with my indexing and middle fingers. I crossed my arms, "Why me?" 

Mr. Smith groaned, "How did you get that idea?" 

Quickly answering, I said, "I'm ugly. Why would you like me? And also, what about Xander?" Still crossing my arms, I started tapping the floor, getting impatient. 

"You're beautiful, I mean look at you," he said, not even bother looking up. "I could tell by the way you look at him. You like him, right?" I felt heat slowly rushing up to my face. 

"What do you mean?" 

He looks up at me, ready to say something, but stops. Looking in my eyes, he drew closer to me. 

"You're eyes," he whispers. "They're beautiful. Are you wearing contacts?" He looks at me as seconds pass. He shakes his head just a bit and grabbed my hand. I pull away, nervous of what he was going to do. Having another attempt, he pulled my hands to his chest. A rhythm was beating rapidly as my hand interfered with his chest. 

"This is what your heart feels like when you are in love," he says. He smiled softly at me. I found my heart following the same pattern as his. Am I in love with Mr. Smith? This "loving" feeling is very... strange.

"What is love?" I questioned him, my eyes suddenly wandering to his. "I don't understand it." I pulled away and hugged my hand. I looked up at him, nervously. He blushes a little, but calms down.

He changes his expression and looked a bit surprised. "Do you not love your parents?" 

"I... I don't have any parents." I honestly told him. "I have no memory of them." 

He looks gloomy, but answers, "Love is a tender, passionate affection for another person." 

"Do you feel the same for me? You heart," he says, "does it beat for me?" Mr. Smith moves his hand over my heart. Just by the touch, I could feel my heart's pound echoing through his hand. Still trapping me between the wall, he leans closer and closer to my lips. I slowly close my eyes, tempting to kiss him back. 

"Unlock the door."

The voice inside my head alerts me. My body quickly moves on its own like it knows what it's doing. I duck down, avoiding the kiss and crawled under Mr. Smith. He was taken by surprise. I ran to the door and unlocked it as quickly as I could. 

"What am I doing?" I yell out to myself. 

"Open the door!" Xander's voice echoed behind the door. I see... The slave spell or whatever. With a twist of the knob, I opened the door for Xander. He rushed in looking at Mr. Smith. He peers at me, my hair down and glasses off. He rushes over to the teacher and holds him up by the collar. "What did you do to her?" 

"Something that you'll never have the courage to do," he replies, confidently. He gazes at me and winks. Xander drops him down, grabs my things, then grabs my hand as he lead us out the classroom.

Walking out, I could hear Mr. Smith say, "I'm going to get her." 

Xander took me to the boy's bathroom and jumps into one of the stall. he pushes my shoulders down, making me sit on the stall. Are you serious?

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