"Don't fucking yell at her." A new voice was heard throughout the empty hallway. Y/N stopped walking but didn't turn around.

"Who do you think you are? I'm so fucking tired of your bullshit. When are you going to realize that we fucking care about you huh? Get that through your fucking head. Stop with that stupid 'it's for your protection' shit. It's not going to work anymore. Jade yelled.

"Then just leave me alone. That way you won't have to worry or care anymore." Y/N countered before walking away. Both Jade and I were left standing alone in the hallway.

"Something must've changed for her to act the way she's acting." I spoke quietly.

"Something definitely changed. Her mother passed away and that caused her to lose herself." Jade whispers looking down.

"What made you like her?" Jade asks me.

"I guess I never saw her for who she was but for the show she'd put on for everybody else." I replied sadly. 

"I don't know what I can do to help her anymore." Jade sniffled but no tears fell. I slowly nod in agreement. 

"Hey Jade, practice is about to start." A girl told Jade before she walked back towards the gym.

"Oh thanks, I'll be there in a bit." Jade turns to me. "Hey, don't let what Y/N said get to you alright. We'll figure things out, okay?" 

"Sounds good, Jade. I'll see you later." I began walking slowly towards my car. As I walk I heard small laughter. I turned to see where it was coming from and was surprised to see the hood from Y/N's car flipped up and two pairs of feet by the front of the car.

My curiosity got the best of me and before I knew it I was slowly making my way towards Y/N's car. I saw Leigh-Anne next to Y/N's car as she worked on it. Their laughter stopped once they saw me. 

Y/N's face hardened into an icy glare while Leigh-Anne's smile turned into a smirk. "I thought you were going home." I snapped ignoring my fellow cheer leader out of pure jealousy.

"I would've been home a long time ago if my car would start." Y/N answers sarcastically. Leigh-Anne tried hiding her smile and laugh but was failing completely. 

I couldn't help the glare that swept across my face. "Hey, there Vice-Captain." Leigh-Anne says with a smirk.

"Leigh-Anne." I simply answer. 

"So what, you skip school and act the way you act just to impress other people?" I turn back to Y/N. 

"You know damn well that I don't give a fuck about what people think." Y/N spat. "Now if you could leave, you're making Leigh-Anne uncomfortable." 

I looked over at Leigh-Anne to see her avoiding my eyes, looking down and playing with her fingers. I scoff, taking a last glance at Y/N before leaving with a shake of my head. 

When I reach my house, I storm into my room slamming the door and locking it with a sigh. I throw my bag on the floor in anger.

I can't believe Y/N 's treating me like shit all while acting like nothing happened. Why did I have to fall in love with her. Without realizing it angry tears ran down my face. I hated feeling this way but I couldn't bring myself to not love her. I guess that's what being in love does to you. But why does she hate me so much? What did I ever do to her?

And of course Leigh-Anne had to get mixed up in this. She's taking Y/N all to herself. It's like she has her wrapped around her finger. 


Y/N's POV:

After what felt like hours the car finally turned on.  I closed the hood and put my tools in the back. "Do you have a ride?" I ask Leigh-Anne.

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