Chapter 2

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I walked into AP English and immediately saw Y/N  writing some stuff down in her notebook. I walked over to where she was and sat beside her.

She seemed so mysterious and a part of me was intrigued and wanted to get to know more about her.

 I didn't realize I was staring until she looked up from her notebook to meet my eyes. I smiled slightly at her as my eyes traveled around her face taking in her beauty along with some other little details. I noticed that her lip was slightly swollen and her eyebrow  along with her jaw had some slight discoloration. I frowned at the thought of someone hurting such a beautiful girl.

"What happened to you?" I asked and slowly pointed towards her face.

"Nothing." She said coldly and went back to her writing.

"But you have bruises-"

"Look just mind your own business." Y/N said cutting me off. I figured it'd be best to drop the subject. Not long after the teacher came in.

"Alright class please settle down." Mr. Jackson says setting his things down on his desk.

I see movement from the corner of my eye  and I looked to see Y/N raise her hand up.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Um, is it okay if I change seats?" Y/N asks looking at the teacher.

"I'm sorry but every other seat is taken so I'm afraid you'll have to sit there."

She sighs and leans back in her chair. Am I that bad of a person? Wait, why do I even care? Better yet why did that hurt me?

"Okay, so it's the first day, you'll have some paperwork, and short classes. Pass this paper back and fill it out then when you're done you're free to do whatever as long as the noise level stays down." Mr. Jackson said.

The teacher conversed with some of the students every once in a while. Y/N had finished her form and continued with her writing while listening to music.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I knew something had happened before she got to school because the more I looked at the discoloration, the more I realized they were bruises. But even with the bruises she still was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

She was such a mystery to me.

She was always so driven, especially when it came to the things that were most important to her. I've heard that she's a perfectionist and very strong-willed. When she sets her mind on something, she doesn't stop until she's accomplished it. That's why she sets herself at such a high-standard. For god's sake, that's why  she earned a full-ride scholarship to play for the one of the best girls' soccer team in America when she was just a freshman.

My best friend Jesy plays soccer and when I pick her up from practice I always see that Y/N stays back and continues to practice.

Y/N was the nicest person off the field, but during a game she would have the whole team fear her. Part of it's probably because of how good she is,  but she's kind of scary when someone pisses her off.

The bell rings which brings me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Y/N was already out of the room. I quickly got up and tried to follow her but everyone had crowded around the door trying to get out. After I got out I looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where's the love of your life?" I hear Jesy's voice behind me.

"Jess, I'm not in the mood." I huffed.

Change Of Heart-(Perrie Edwards x Y/N)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang