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Warning: drug use, alcohol consumption, cursing, mentions of underage drinking

Arizona looked much like Shoto expected it to look. It was hot, dry, sandy, and hot. Did he mention the heat? No? Well it was hot. And it was still early in the morning meaning it would still get hotter. They slept all night on the train and were awaken by the conductor alerting everyone of their arrival to the Arizona station. They now stood in Yuuei, Arizona. A small town in the middle of nowhere.

The others agreed to his request, taking a detour to a little clothing outlet to allow him to buy something more comfortable for the hot weather. As soon as they walked into the outlet, the cashier looked at them strangely before her face lit up excitedly. "IZUKU!" She greeted, waving excitedly. "Yaomomo!" Izuku greeted back, heading over to the counter and exchanging a tight hug to the girl.

She had long black hair tied up in a ponytail and big black almond shaped eyes. Shoto headed over to a few of the racks, leaving his friends to socialize as he looked for light colored clothes to help him with the hot weather. He settled on a white tank top printed with ocean waves, a thin light brown cover up, and some bleached jean shorts that reached his knees. He got a few other outfits as well, but he decided that would be what he changed into after he paid for the new clothes.

He approached the register and without interrupting her conversation with Izuku, the cashier started to scan his items, continuing to chat with her old friend. "-and Kyoka, you know how she gets with Denki when he gets drunk, she kept spewing beer everywhere and Katsuki, he got pissed off because she was wasting the good beer so he made her sit in the little bitch corner." Yaomomo explained as Izuku laughed loudly. "Of course that's what he did. How's Shinsou doing? Have you seen him recently?" Izuku asked, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, hold on. Do you want the receipt in the bag or with you?" Yoamomo asked Shoto after he finished paying. "I'll take it. And I don't need a bag. I'm putting it all in a suitcase." He replied, picking out the items he had originally and looked up at her. "Mind if I change into these?"

"Go ahead honey, fitting rooms are over in that corner." She spoke, pointing to the left. He nodded, setting them aside before he packed up the other clothes in his suitcase. He went to get changed before returning, feeling ten degrees cooler already. "-gonna swing by tonight. Are you guys heading out of town?" Yoamomo inquired as she leaned over the counter. The others in the little group had spread out, looking at clothes.

"We might. It's all up to Kacchan." Izuku replied, looking at the items on the shelf next to the register. "Here, I want some chocolate." He placed a chocolate bar on the counter. Yoamomo wrinkled her nose, scanning the candy. "I hate that you can even stomach this stuff. It makes me so jealous." She pouted which made Izuku laugh, handing her a dollar from his wallet before he unwrapped the treat, biting into it happily.

"It's the perks of my bloodline." He joked around a mouthful. "Your bloodline?" Shoto mused, plucking the candy bar from the others hand and taking a small bite just to annoy his old friend. Izuku pouted and quickly snatched it back, sticking out his tongue before he took another bite. "Most people in town can't stand chocolate. It gives everyone indigestion." Izuku explained vaguely, finishing his treat before tossing the wrapper out. "Bye Yoamomo! I'll see you later." He waved before calling to the others.

They left the outlet and followed Izuku through the hot barren town. Not many people were around. They were probably all hiding out inside. Smart people. They finally stopped outside of a large gate, a metal fence raised up on brick stretched in either direction. A gated off community maybe?

Inside, houses stood away from each other in mismatched, uneven rows, looking more like someone threw them down instead of putting them in order. The houses were made of stone and brick and resembled old town houses but trailer park themed. Pink lawn flamingos dotted the area as well as fire pits and a few bits of gardens. Kids ran around inside the area and people mingled about, laughing and talking kindly. This place made the rest of the town look like a ghost town. Everyone wore an assortment of tank tops, shorts, and bare chests. Even the women walked around in nothing but booty shorts and bras. Loud music thumped through the little village, smoke rising in the distance.

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