My nights sleep

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About 5:30 pm according to my watch I'm still stuck in this stupid room. But it seems they wanted a girl or took one before me because why else would they have all this hour latter at 6:30 I'm starving I haven't ate since watching Harry Potter and that was just some skittles.i hear the lock twist unlocked the it swings open. "eat this" said daisy. I look at the plate a slice of bread half of an orange and a glass of ice water. Geez I miss my moms meals. "Thanks" I say in a low mumble. "Blankets and extra pillows are on that shelve" she said pointing at a shelve I did not notice. Which also holds books and some clothes. she walks over and grabs a big shirt and hands it to me "you can sleep in this" I look the shirt over its blue with a big yellow M on it for Michigan. she turns on her heels and walks out the door and I hear a click once again locked ugh. I change quickly and walk over to the shelve grab a thin baby blue blanket and right you quested it a pink pillow. I look at the books for a second the divergent Books I wanted to read them so bad but they weren't mine. I climbed on the bed through my pillow on the other pink pillow and put the blue blanket on then the big pink blanket to keep warm I fell asleep in 15 mins what felt like hours I wake up and it's 8:28 AM. I see some clothes on the bed side table a plate of more food and a note it read: change, eat and be ready by 8:45. I wonder were we are going? I eat first so nothing gets on my clothes. The plate contained of a pancake the other half of the organ I had last night and Apple juice I eat quickly. I look at the clothes their not mine but their my size and pretty. a dress that's pink and purple plaid and a pair of ankle socks and black dress shoes. I change slowly I feel the dirt on my skin from not showering in since the day before they took me. gross! I finish at 8:40 so I make the bed fold the blue blanket and take one pink pillow and place them back on the shelve. just as the door unlocks Mickey comes in. "we have to go some where" he growled. he graves my hands a drags me out. we walk out the door and he lets go of my hands and whispers if you run your dead. I stay calm and walk to the car. daisy is driving goofy in shot gun. Mickey places me in a seat and buckles my seat belt and slams the door then walks back up the porch and in the house "why isn't he coming" I just hear my self say "he's staying here to watch the house"...........

~ Sorry for the cliff hanger to were their going next chapter will be better... and longer

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