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Happy new year, guys.... This will be the last update from this story...

Arnav returned to the party after cooling down. The next day the family tried to talk to Arnav about Khushi. But he said, rather ordered that no one was to even mention her name in the house.
Anjali was feeling bad for insulting Khushi. But none of them really realised the extend to which they hurt Khushi.

*2days after Khushi left.
In the living room.
Akash: "Bhai... Daksh bhai had called earlier today. He said he couldn't get you. Asked you to call him back, when you are free."
Sheethal: "Oh... You know Daksh?"
Daksh was Arnav and Sheethal's classmate at Harvard.
Akash: "Of course... I know all of his friends. They are my friends too... "
Sheethal: "But Daksh is in UK, right? As far as I have heard, he never came to India, after college."
Akash: "You are right. Sheethal.... I was junior at Harvard. I did my degree in business studies."
Anjali: "But Sheethalji... How come you don't know that? You were pretty close to Chote, right?" She didn't say 'girlfriend' remembering the previous incident with Lavanya.
Arnav: "Di... She was just my classmate and ya we played a few matches together, because we were the captains of the men's and women's teams. That's all."
Anjali was thinking why Sheethal had lied to them. NK looked at her suspiciously, while Sheethal quickly excused herself from there.


Arnav was lying on Khushi's lap and playing with her hair, while she was watching a movie. He turned his head and nuzzled against her stomach to gain her attention, making her giggle.
Khushi: "Arnav... Stop it!"
He smiled cheekily. She shook her head at his childishness.
Khushi: "err... Arnav.... Did you get any information, on who... "
Arnav: "Apparently Mrs. Raizada did the test... "
Khushi: "What the?!"
Arnav: "They identified Sheetal's photo. Have to get the cctv footage to know if someone accompanied her. Hopefully they did. I have asked the commissioner for his help. The hospital authorities won't show the footage otherwise. By the way, Akash just exposed Sheetal a bit."
Khushi: "What? What happened?"
Arnav: "Daksh had called him and he told me, in front of everyone. Sheetal just got caught into the conversation. If, she lied to her partner about being my girlfriend, then this an turn in our favour."


*A week after Khushi left

Everyone were missing Khushi terribly. It is true that one wouldn't realise the worth of an eye until we loose it.

Nani: "We have got a call from Devghat. The princess is getting married. Virenderji have invited all of us.
Anjali: "Princess? Chutki? Chutki is getting married?"
Arnav's eyes shot up from the newspaper he was reading, hearing his sister.
Nani: "Might be. Virenderji just said that his granddaughter is getting married."
Anjali sighed: "it's been too long since I last saw chutki. Ma had wanted her to be her bahu... "
Arnav stood up from there and went to his room.


Arnav: "How could she even think that you are getting married to someone else?"
Khushi shook her head.
Khushi: "Don't you think, you are turning more childish day by day?"
Arnav: "So?"
Khushi: "Think of my situation, having to handle three kids at a time... Na... It's two... Aarav don't trouble me... It's only you... "
Arnav: "So what? You should take care of me... "
She chuckled at his stubborn tone.
Khushi: "Think you can take care of yourself for one more day? You guys will reach here tomorrow, right? "
Arnav: "Ya, tomorrow morning. "
Khushi: "Arnav... Did the commissioner call? "
Arnav: "Hmm... We will talk about that when we meet.... "
Khushi: "Arnav... Who is it?"
Arnav: "we'll talk about it tomorrow, Khushi... Not over the phone... Well there is something we can do over the phone, Lily... "
Khushi: "Sir.... "

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