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The family were in the living room, having their evening tea.
N.K: "Nannav... Are you sure that you are a business man? "
Arnav: "What the?! "
Khushi: "Nanheji? He is a business man... I have seen his office. It is sooo big. " She said widening her arms.
Arnav rolled his eyes at that.
Arnav: "What is it N.K?"
N.K: "I was just wondering. Usually business men travel a lot. But look at you.... Even jijaji, who is just a lawyer travels more than you do! "
Arnav looked at Anjali hearing that. N.K had a valid point. He was stupid to not think about that earlier.
Khushi: "hmm... You are right Nanheji. Di... What does jijaji actually do?"
Anjali: "He... He is a lawyer. "
Khushi kept looking at her as if waiting for her to explain.
But Anjali had nothing to say. She didn't know much about his work. And N.K's comment about Shyam traveling more than Arnav... It struck somewhere.

It's been 2 months since Anjali started going to AR. Shyam returned to Shantivan in between only to go on another trip. She was getting more suspicious with time. She started wondering about his fees. He never provided anything for her. Well even his expenses were met from their joint account, to which he never deposited any money. Even if he gifted her something, without using the account, he would get the money from her, stating one or the other reason. She never noticed it before because, he never asked for money as such. He expertly manipulated her into believing that it's her idea to give him money.


Aman: "You asked for me? "
"I want you to do a detailed investigation on Shyam Manohar Jha"
Aman: "What but... Ma'am? "
Anjali: "Any problem, Aman? "
Aman: "No ma'am"
Anjali: "And Aman... I expect you to report to the person who gave you the task and not anyone else. You get me?"
Aman looked at the same raised eyebrow he was soo familiar with... But on her brother. She looked so much like her brother, then, that he wondered whether to be happy to see her strong or worried, about her turning out like ASR. One was enough for his sanity.


Anjali: "Khushiji..... You hiding something from me?"
Khushi: "ha? Er... What are you talking about? "
Anjali: "Oh... I guess, you have a lot secrets.... But I'm talking about Shyam"
Khushi noticed how she dropped the Ji from his name.
Khushi: "Di... " She hesitated.
Anjali: "Khushiji.... I know what he did... I just want to hear it from you mouth. "
So Khushi told her everything about Shyam.
Anjali: "Why didn't you tell me, Khushiji?"
Khushi: "I'm sorry, Di... I was worried, how you would react. Whether you would believe me... And you loved him so much... "
Anjali caressed her face.
Anjali: "It's ok Khushiji.... And you did right.... I might not have been able to handle it then. But you made me strong didn't you? "
Khushi: "Di... "
Anjali: "I figured it.... I'm not the old Anjali, remember? "
Khushi: "You are strong, Di... Really strong... It's just that everyone underestimated you... It was just dormant. You couldn't have developed a new character within this short time."
Anjali chuckled at that.
Anjali: "How about we sent him out of our lives. We will send him in?"
Khushi: "Ha? "
Anjali winked at her only to leave her wide eyed.
They were impatiently waiting for Shyam to return.


Anjali in a sweet voice: "Where were you, all these days, Shyamji? "
The entire family was in the living room. Arnav and Akash just returned from office and were drinking their coffees.
Shyam: "Ha? I told you, before, that I'm going to Kanpur."
Anjali: "Ya you did... But my friend told me that she saw you in lucknow! "
Shyam got shocked: "er... I... I... Woh... I had to go to Lucknow for a few days... "
Anjali: "oh... When was it? "
Shyam: "When, did she tell you that she saw me?"
Anjali: "You tell me, na... "
Shyam: "you leave that Ranisahiba.... In my field, one has to travel a lot... "
Anjali: "But I, being your wife has to know right? When she called me, I didn't even know that you were there. You know how I felt?"
Shyam: "I'm really sorry, Ranisahiba... It was a brief detour..." Anjali just hummed.
Arnav: "Friend from Lucknow? Who, Di? "
Anjali: "Ayesha.. "
Shyam chocked on the tea he was drinking.
Arnav: "Ayesha? I never heard about her before. "
Anjali: "Oh.... You don't know her, Chote... But Shyamji knows her very well, right Shyamji? "
Shyam: "What? Er... I... "
Anjali: "Go on... "
Shyam: "Ranisahiba.... She is lying.... "
Mami: "What is happening Anjali Bitiya? "
Anjali: "You'll come know, Mami.... And Shyamji... What is she lying about? You yourself admitted that you went to Lucknow. "
Shyam was fumbling.
Anjali raised her voice a bit, her entire tone changing.
Anjali: "I asked you something, Mr.Jha..... What was she lying about?! " She calmed down a bit. "Don't worry, she'll be here in a bit... We can ask her."
Shyam: "What?!  No!!!!  Don't believe anything she says. I'm not married to her. "
Anjali heard some gasps around her but replied calmly: "Oh... You are not married to her? I never said that you were.... "
Shyam: "er.... She was behind me... trying to trap me.... She tells people that she is my wife... I thought that she might have told you the same. "
Anjali: "Oh... She is trying to trap my dear Shyamji? We have to do something right? Hmm... I know, we'll do DNA test, to prove that her kids are not yours?" Shyam was sweating profusely.
Shyam: "No... Why... Why should we do that? Poor children will be dragged into this."
Anjali: "hmm.... By the way, why were you staying in Buaji's house, stating that you don't have a family? Oh... I know.... The entire Lekshmi Nagar is lying, trying to trap you, right? Your game is over, Shyam.... And I guess, I wouldn't need a divorce. After all we were never really married. Is Ayesha even your legal wife or you had wives before her too? "
Shyam: "Rani... "
Anjali: "Nope... Don't call me that.... I don't want see your face, ever again. And ha... there are people waiting for you outside... I hope you rot in jail... Bye bye... " She waved her hands at him. And N.K took him by the collar and threw him out of the house.

A lone tear escaped from Anjali's eyes.
Arnav: "Di? "
Anjali: "I'm fine Chote... I just regret ever loving that man... But again... Good riddance. "

Everyone stood watching as Anjali burned everything that belonged to or was related to Shyam, along with her old clothes, stating that, she is having a fresh start... A new life... Burning everything that restrained her. The Raizadas gasped hearing their sweet Anjali bitiya's wish to burn Shyam along with it, while Khushi had a grin, etched on her face.

Good riddance.... Now I can start the Sheetal track...
Thanks for reading.... Pls do comment....
Sorry for the typos...
Bye bye..... 👋👋👋

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