I took a deep breath and continued, talking at a fast pace, "Ok. So, you know the rumor about me and Alan being boyfriend and girlfriend? Yeah. Everyone at school was going crazy because of it. I had to hide behind the school then rush to the classroom. Anyways, after school, Alyssa, Kira, Maya, Irene, Iris, Kace, Jackson, Joseph, Jacob and Liam all shouted, and I mean shouted, like they literally screamed, that Alan and I were at the front of the school. That's where the mob started.

"So Alan and I had to run away. First, we hid in the dry fountain in the middle of the park. But a construction worker saw us and posted a picture on social media. Then, we had to find another spot to hide. So we went inside a metro station. But a lady saw us and started screaming Alan's name. That attracted maybe 15 people. They all started taking pictures of us and posting them. Then the crowd that started chasing us from College Francoise Dupont appeared. By the way, that crowd had doubled by the time they got to the metro station. 

"We jumped onto the train to escape the crowd and made a run for it at Concord. People didn't manage to catch us but they posted tons and tons of pictures onto social media. After Concord, we ran maybe two blocks before Alan pointed out a thick pipe for us to climb onto the roof. We stayed there for a while, catching our breath, before the mob surrounded the building, trapping us on the roof. 

"Then, Alan asked me if I could jump 5 feet from one building to another. I thought it was a pretty weird question but I said I probably could. I mean, I do it all the time as Ladybug. Then, Alan just took a running start and flung himself off of the roof. I thought that he would fall so I reached out to grab him but his hands just managed to grip the end of the other roof and he pulled himself up. I yelled at him, telling him he was insane. But Alan just waved it off and told me to jump, saying that he would catch me. So I did. What other choice did we have? Live out the rest of our lives on that roof?

"We ran along the rooftops for a while, then Alan flipped off one roof and landed on the other. I thought that it might be fun to try it since I do it all the time as Ladybug and I did. It distracted the mob for a while. We ran some more, until I saw the Agreste Mansion and suggested that we hide here for a while. 

"We landed on the roof, and I opened the hatch you guys use as Ladybug and Chat Noir. We jumped in and I brought Alan to my room. He needed to get home somehow. I gave him a cap to hide his face and led him out the back door in the kitchen. The one the staff uses. He should be home by now, I think. Then... you guys came home." I fiddled with my hands as I finished, trying to gauge their reaction. I did tell them that it was a long story.

"Ok... I understand the running part... but did you really need to do all the parkour?" Dad asked, shaking his head. I shrugged and replied, "Not really. But it was fun. I do it all the time as Ladybug, so I thought that I would be fine. I mean, I need some physical strength as Emma." "That is not the point. You put yourself in danger. You could've died up there." Mom lectured, a look of disapproval on her face.

I couldn't say that I disagreed with Mom. I could've died. I don't even know why I did it. I sighed and rubbed my hands up and down. "But she didn't, right? You gotta admit, that was pretty awesome." Hugo interrupted, breaking the silence. Thank god for Hugo. I cracked a small smile at my brother's slight ignorance and immaturity. He always knew when to say the right things. 

"Well, I'm glad you're ok Emma. But please don't ever do that again." Mom requested with raised eyebrows. I nodded quickly and dashed out of the living room before Mom could change her mind. I laid down on my bed with a heavy sigh. Today was really... something else. Tikki flew out of my purse and exclaimed, seemingly angrily, "What were you thinking Emma?! You could've gotten hurt!" I smiled at my kwami and said, "Sorry Tikki. It was just some harmless fun." "Yeah. Harmless. It wasn't as if you could've died or anything." Tikki replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now