Chapter 10: Shift

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Rey's POV:

In the morning after I ate breakfast after I was released from the infirmary. Before I left, I made the staff promise not to tell anyone about the pregnancy, they kindly agreed to my request. I ran off to find Finn so we could practice meditating. As usual, he is with Poe trying to figure out what the next few steps for the Resistance would be. While I am trying to pull Finn away from his regular duties, I learn the remaining members of the First Order are joining hands with the remaining members of the Final Order. This means the chances of a larger war are happening sooner rather than later are rather high. I finally drag Finn away and we head into the forest to meditate. I use the same method Luke used to train me and then let him be while I work on my own meditation.

Ben's POV:

I watch Rey practice meditation with Finn. A sense of jealousy hits me in the gut. I want to be the one that gets to share these moments with Rey. I know I don't deserve it but I want nothing more than to be there with her. I feel a shift in the force, there's something that is not right. I walk towards Rey and realize she has a tear running down her cheek. I reach out towards her as if to wipe the tear from her cheek when I feel the tug again. It's a strange sensation as if a small child is trying to pull at my hand and show me something. I close my eyes and meditate on it trying to see if it will lead me anywhere.

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