the truth

298 14 2

1 month later

Alex POV

Turns out I was pregnant. I'm two months pregnant and nobody knows not even noah because I scared to tell him. What if he thinks it derek but I moved out of Noah's and got a condo. I still haven't heard or seen derek since our wedding but Right now In the studio with the girls.

"So what song are we performing for rhythm and bells" simone said

"A song that-"

"Alex look at this noah got a new boo" star said show me the blog

"TMZ has caught noah brooks from gravity record leaving the club with draya Michele the host on love hip hop Atlanta. Allegedly the two have been see each other for a couple weeks. Will this be a fling or foreal thing."

When I read this it just made me mad. I know we not together but still his the father of my child and I don't want my child to have step mother. I want his or her parents to live in the same house hold and happy.

After the studio session I decide to show up at noah house just to chill and maybe tell him that I'm pregnant.

I unlock the door. Yes I have a key to his house because of when I lived here I never gave it back to him.

But as i walk in i see noah and this draya girl kissing.

I coughed to get their attention

"Umm... crane what are you doing" noah said

"Hello to you to noah"

"Not like that just surprised your here"

"I came to see how you were doing but I see you are busy"

"He is so bye"

"One nobody was talking to you I was talking to noah bitch"

"Draya be quiet"

"Its fine noah I'll talk to you later I have to tell you something"

"Ok bye be safe"

"I will" I said walking to the door


Simone pov

As I get home from the studio. I see angel sleep on the couch with davis on his chest. We still live with star because star doesn't want nothing to happen to me but once I'm done recovering all the way we moving into our own place.

I put a cover on them and head to the shower


Noah pov

After draya when home I called alex phone but she didn't answer so I decided to drive over to her condo

Skipping to when he gets to alex condo........

I knocked on her door waiting for her to answer

"Who the hell at my....oh hey noah"

"Wassup alex"

"What are you doing here"

"You said you had to tell me something"

"Um yea come in"

Noah could tell that alex was nervous about something, Which worries him

They walk to the living room and sit on the couch next to each other

"Is everything okay"

Alex just broke down crying and he was holding her. After 5 minutes of alex crying he ask

"What's wrong"

She lifted up her sweatshirt revealing her baby bump

"Al-ex your pregnant"

She nods yes

"Congratulations I guess why are you crying tho"

"Be-ca-use it's your baby noah" she said crying even more

"What how is that possible"

"You don't believe, See this why I didn't want to tell you because"

Gets cut of by noah kissing her slowly and passionately at first she didn't kiss back then she gave in after a moment noah pulled away

"I do believe you and I'm going to be here for you and the baby" he said smile while rubbing her stomach

"How many months are you"

"3 months"

"Who else knows"

"Nobody but you and I don't want to tell anyone at least not right now"

"Whenever your ready baby"


Nalex are together with a baby otw 🥰😘😋

What should the title be?
I kinda don't like it

Should I have Derek show up somehow?

Should the baby be a boy or girl?

What names should I give him or her?

Don't forget to vote and comment ideas😜

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