"Hey, Dr. Jordan, It is Tommy! Are you joining us tonight for the assault to take back the surface of Richmond from the hands of those robotic forces?"

Richard was shocked to hear the news of a revolt. At first, he did not respond but he was thinking he needed to know the time of the assault.

"I was not informed about a revolt that is occurring tonight. By the way, what time will it be taking place?"

"Sir, it is happening at 2100hrs! Every man and woman who wants to fight was given instruction to meet at the exit point." Stated Tammy.

"You are all fucking fools! People are going to die! The Mega forces are too well advance. You heard what happened in India! They wiped out the entire underground with no fucking survivors. If I were you, I will turn around and go back to your quarters where it is safe. At least you can have your freedom here."

"Dr. Jordan, have you been drinking? The only person who will be going back to their quarters will be you! Let me start walking you back now." Mentioned Tammy

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" Shouted Richard

Richard turned around and slowly walked away from the group of rebel soldiers while they stood there and watched him stumbled down the tunnel.


At 1955hrs, Otis, Sara, and Zane made it to the scanning area of the traveling tunnel for the awaiting digger vehicle to transport them to Houston. Their commute will be long, due to, only one route and one tunnel along with several security check posts.

"I love you, dear!" as Otis hugged his Sara while trying to hold back from crying.

"Love you too, babe! We will send you a telegram once we make it to Houston" said Sara

"Please, whatever you do, don't worry about me especially tonight. Everything will be fine, I promise." Stated Otis

Okay, I will be strong and have faith that things will go well and we can come back home to live above the surface." Mentioned Sara.

"Zane, you are the big man, now! Protect your mom, son! I'm counting on you. In the next few days, I will be with you and your mom" Otis gave both of them a tight hug.

Zane's brushy eyebrows lifted up while he was trying to hold back from crying. Sara's and Zane's identifications were scanned. They boarded the digger vehicle where armed soldiers were already standing inside. The doors of the vehicle closed. Otis waved to Sara and Zane as the vehicle gradually pull away from the scanning station. Once the vehicle was cleared, Otis exited the station making his way back to his quarters to get prepared for tonight's revolt against the Mega's Forces. At 2010hrs, Otis opened the door to his quarters and noticed a letter from his commander about the roll call gathering in Zone 3. He proceeds to hurry upstairs to get to his uniform ready.

"Almost there!" Richard continued to stumble in the half-lit tunnel.

"I'm going to knock on the door and just demand Zane to come out, run him up to Sgt. Wilcox and head home." Richard was telling himself.

At 2015hrs, Richard finally arrived at the Parkers' quarters. He knocked on the door and waited. With no response, he knocked again and again. Otis did not hear the knocks at the door because he was racking back and forth on the slide of his 45 caliber pistol. Richard got frustrated and started to knock harder. Otis paused and heard the loud knocks coming from the door. He placed the weapon down on the bed and went downstairs towards the door thinking it may be a soldier with updated news. He opened the door and was taken aback to see Richard standing there with a flushed face wearing a long black coat.

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