The Beginning

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                                                                                       Chapter 3

     Life on earth was simple and clam. All of the nations around the world were at peace. The world's global economy was robust. China's economy rebounded after a few years of decline and the country became the super world power of all world markets.   The United States, however, fell down as being fourth in the world's dominance as China and South Africa started to produce massive resources such as renewable energy with a concentration on robotics technology. All of the countries in Europe merged together as one nation.   Countries in Central and South America also merged together including all of Africa.   After New American (Central and South American) became united, Canada merged with Europe. North/South Korea, Japan, and many Asia countries united with China.  Nations were merging as one government. The United States remained alone. The year was 2030.

Three years after all the nations had merged, there was an unknown outbreak of a deadly virus. Scientists called the virus "Shakes" due to when a person contracted the disease, they violently shake to death.   Scientists around the world were clueless about how this virus came about. There were rumors of large amounts of genetically modified organisms in foods over the years that caused the virus.   Millions of people died. Then, there was a war that was categorized as world war three.   Europe, Africa, and China merged into one country that fought against the United States and New America.   Millions of more people died and suffered as there was no end in sight of the countless battles that were being fought around the world.   The New Imperial government of Normand which they called themselves when Europe, Africa, and China combined released the first nuclear missiles into the sky towards the United States and New America.   In return for the nuclear assaults, the United States and New America did the same causing a worldwide nuclear catastrophe.   Half of the earth's population was wiped out. Everything on the surface of the earth was contaminated by nuclear radiation.   People who survived the nuclear explosion fled underground.   The planet burnt for several years.

The technology that man created and left remained alive above the planet.   The technology was the robotic force that assisted us to make life easier such as manufacturing automobiles, buildings, airplanes, rockets, and weapons.   They even became mankind slaves as they were used in homes and offices for our needs and wants.   The robotic mechanics became intelligent where they started to build up cities throughout the world that were isolated from the nuclear fallout.  They even created their own government under a dictatorship with a robotic uniform military forces called Mega. Their national headquarters was located on the moon.   Their technology was way more advanced than mankind would ever fathom. They created a software program called SKY which they eliminated a need for any electric handheld devices and computers where they made a chip that was the size of a button. They inserted it on the side of each robotic and android's head that beamed a digital light display board of information.  They used this unite technology to communicate with one another and to store data. The Mega forces were the ruler on earth and the universe where their population grew nearly 100 million robotic machines and androids as the remaining human saviors remain hidden underground unknown what was occurring above their planet.

As years continued to pass, the earth still was suffering from nuclear radiation while the Mega forces flourished.   The unknown remaining saviors who lived underground started new nations and kept their old country's name.   Many of the underground nations still had a democratic government including the United States.   They were able to build small cities underground with tunnels using limited resources and outdated technology.   They even construed underwater tunnels that expanded from the United States to Africa.   Mankind thought they can regroup underground and start over again as a productive society.

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