Fight for Freedom

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Chapter 4

     It was Friday. Muslih was awakened by his alarm clock at 0600hrs.  He got out of the bed still suffering from his wounds of being shot by a Mega soldier the other day.  His landline phone rang and he picked it up. It was one of his rebel soldiers; Azad was on the other end. Friday was the day the underground nation of India rebels would be having a meeting of taking their beloved country and the capital of New Delhi back from the Mega Government. The meeting started at 1500hrs, Muslih was the commanding officer of the India underground rebel army movement.  The army consisted of 100,000 men and women.  They had brought on assaults against the Mega Forces before for the last few months with no success. Each time, the Mega forces doubled their size in reinforcements. Muslih had good news to share with them of finally regaining control of the city and hopefully the planet.

Muslih entered the meeting room which was located in his quarters and sat at the head of the table surrounded by 50 of his top soldiers.

"Welcome, we are all here today to discuss our process of eliminating the Mega Force once and for all.   Even though we are limited with technology and weapon power compare with our evil forces, I have been in touch with a scientist who is willing to help us to produce a new weapon to fight against the Mega Army.   I have tried to reach out with other underground nations but ever since the execution that occurred last week, they are not willing to come forward together to fight our enemy. One of his soldiers asked him about the US underground willing to help.

"The other day, I received a telegram from the United States rebels and they informed me they had signed a treaty with Mega which it would not allow them to take part in any assault against them." Stated Muslih

Some of Muslih soldiers were puzzled that the United States rebels would not help them in any effort on an uprising against the Mega Forces.   Then, Azad who is Muslih's assistant stood up and addressed the meeting pertaining to the United States not taking part.

"In light of the world's issue with our enemy and as an old US citizen, I'm ashamed my former country is not going to fight for freedom.   When my grandparents left Iran many years ago for better opportunities, America had a deep foundation of fighting for freedom and stand up.   We must not give up hope.   This revolution, I'm willing to die not for India or America but for the good of humanity!" Exclaimed Azad

Everybody in attendance stood up and cheered. Muslih quieted the soldiers down to discuss the combat assault mission on the Mega forces.

"For the past few weeks, we have been training for this invasion of Downtown New Delhi. If we can take control of key sections of the city, we can take possession of the entire city. We have a few Mega citizens who are willing to help in this attack. "Stated Muslih

Muslih ended the meeting in pray and everyone stood up and left. Muslih and Azad telegrammed other underground nations such as Japan, China, and Russia for any assistance knowing they will refuse, which they did.

"We tried; I see we are on our own, brother," Muslih told Azad as they left the meeting room.

Muslih limb back into his quarters to rest and meditate on his bed. While he was thinking about the assault, his telephone started to ring. He hesitated to pick it up and then he reached for the receiver and stopped. He thought for a few seconds whoever needed to talk with him needed to leave a voice mail. Muslih then turned around and continue to meditate.  As his thoughts grew troublesome of the Sunday's invasion and thought about other rebels throughout the underground nations who fought and died at the hands of the Mega forces, Muslih was sacred.

The next day, Muslih has awakened again but not by his alarm clock but with a telegram from China. He slowly got up from his bed still in pain. He read the message on the telegram about a failed attempt in Beijing with the Mega Forces killing several thousand rebels and blasted areas of the underground tunnels crapping their nation. He dropped the telegram in fear, thinking his attempts at overtaking his city will be a failure. Thinking thoroughly with the lack of manpower and weapons to combat the Mega Forces, he decided to call Azad to cancel the invasion for Sunday and to find a better solution.

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