2019 Christmas Special

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"You... you used your tone. Your 'it is time' tone." Hades replies, his face crinkling in confusion. "I thought that..."

"Oh, you thought that this little she-devil was on her way out?" I ask with raised eyebrows, pointing at my distended belly. "Babe, that wasn't my 'it's coming' tone. That one is going to be a lot more shrill and a lot more angry."

Hades frowns. "Why would you be angry?"

"Are you kidding me?" I snort. I hold my hand out and motion for him to help me up. "It's your fault I'm in this situation. You and that super ridiculously fertile god-sperm of yours. It's no wonder Zeus has so many children; we weren't careful one time and—"

"Okay." Hades pulls me to my feet. "It is not entirely my fault, agápi mou. I do seem to recall you having a rather large part in it all."

"Are you trying to blame me?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Are you saying that it's my fault that I'm waddling around with a miniature planet attached to my stomach?"

Hades studies me. A small smile curls up the corners of his lips.

"I suspect that I am going to be in trouble no matter what I say." He replies. "I will circle back to the matter at hand. What was it that you needed?"

I wag my finger at him. "Don't think I didn't notice what you did here. You can't slip one past me, bucko."

Hades gives me a look. "Evie."

"Alright, alright." I wave my hand and plaster a cheesy grin on my face. "Can you fetch me a chocolate mousse?"

Hades' look becomes borderline scathing. "That is all you want?"

"Not want. Need." I emphasize. I rub my belly. "Besides which, it's not just me who needs this mousse. Faye is as much a fiend for chocolate as her mother is."

"Faye has not even been born yet." Hades says bemusedly. "I think we should allow her to decide her own obsessions for herself. We have already seen the consequences of that in Elliana."

"Hey!" I point my finger at him. "It is not my fault that she loves garlic bread. She just decided to make an exceedingly good life choice."

Hades chuckles, shaking his head. "Agápi mou, as much as I do not want to anger the pregnancy dragon, I do not think it would be wise to eat chocolate mousse right now."

"What?" My jaw drops open. "And why not? Of course it's wise; how many times do I emphasize that Faye and I need chocolate mousse to survive?"

"Because we are due to go to our other daughter's Christmas celebration. Remember her?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

I stick my tongue out at him. "Of course I remember her. Don't mock me. I'm not a child."

"Says the one poking her tongue out at me."

"Well..." I huff and fold my arms over my chest. "Shut up."

Hades smiles. "I merely meant if you eat something now, you will feel ill later and hardly have the energy to attend a celebration that both Dionysus and Eros are attending."

"Babe. C'mon." I grin. "Even nine months and three days pregnant, I still have more energy to deal with those two than you every will. Besides, this celebration is going to be even more special than most!"

Hades grunts. "It is not my fault those two have the combined age of a 50 year-old god."

"Hey!" I complain. "I'm almost a 50 year old goddess!"

Hades Legacy (Hades Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now