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Why do I cry?
It only shows that all
Your petty gestures
Have hurt me
Why do I cry
When there's nothing even wrong?
I don't know
Or maybe I do
Maybe I cry
Because I won't smile
And sitting there with a
Solemn expression
On my face is getting
Since I won't smile
Because have you ever
Tried smiling when you're sad?
It's hard
And sometimes it's not even
About smiling when you're sad
But smiling when you're not happy
So why do I cry?
To feel human
To feel like emotion is a part of my everyday
And sometimes I cry
Because I feel like it's the right thing
To do
But then
When I'm with friends
I refuse to cry
That's when a mask needs to be kept on
A smiling mask
So why do I cry?
To prove to myself
That I have
Why do I smile?
To prove to others
That I have

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