Battle Of Lexington

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I felt like I needed to share this short story just so people could see what I started with. This is part of the fuller story with better editing and other details added in so you can just skip over this if you'd like. 

Jack wasn't sure if he was ready for this. He sat there at the table rubbing the barrel of his Pennsylvania Rifle that is laying across his lap. He got the rifle from his father when he passed away early in the winter from sickness. A few hours ago Captain John Parker of the Massachusetts Bay Militia ordered his men to meet since he received word that the British regulars were on the march to Concord to destroy a weapons cache. Jack has only been with the militia for a few months now, he joined up right after his father passed and his older brother took over the farm with his wife and kids. He was barely old enough then to take part, but since he was already fourteen it was time to become a man.

"Are you alright young Anderson?" Caption Parker asks Jack with his raspy voice from across the low lit tavern table. Captain Parker has been dealing with tuberculosis for some time now, and it wasn't getting any better.

"Yes sir, I've just never been apart of anything like this before sir," Jack replies with his eyes still on the rifle.

"You don't sound like your ready boy." Another man at the table laughs heartily.

Parker glares at the man, "Now Jonas he looks like he's ready to me."

"Sir, do you think they are still coming? It has been a while since Mr. Revere and Mr. Dawes came to you with Mr. Hamilton and warned us about the regulars leaving Boston." Jack asked looking out the window now. The night will soon turn to dawn.

"I am not sure my boy, but don't fret for if they do come we have nothing to hide. We are merely going to stand by and make sure they don't burn down our homes while looking for the things we simply do not have." Parker explains. He hands his empty cup to Jack, "Now would you mind to fill this up for me, my throat is feeling quite dry."

"Those bloody redcoats won't stand a chance against us. I pray that they come because I've been itching for a fight going on five years now. Ever since those bastards beat that boy and shot all them folk in Boston." Jonas says before he takes a big gulp of his ale.

"Easy now Cousin that was resolved in the court of law," Parker replied hoarsely.

"To hell with that, and to hell with the King," Jonas shouts as he raises his cup to the air waiting for others to do the same. Some did, but most were too much in their thoughts to have heard

"The king had nothing to do with the shooting and you know that." Parker retorted.

"Well, that maybe but I'm still bloody happy that they had that lovely protest in the harbor." Jonas laughs before taking another swig from his cup.

"You and I both know that was just a drunken rabble not thinking straight." Parker coughs. "Are you going to get that drink for me young Andrews?" He asks once more. Jack was just so entranced into their conversation that he already forgot.

"Sorry, sir." Jack apologized as he gets up with the cup. He tries to make his way through the packed Buckman Tavern full of militiamen, most of them just looking into their drinks. No one truly knew what is to take place in the following hours.

On his way back from the innkeeper Jack catches a glimpse of a man on a horse galloping up to the tavern. Jack hurries to Captain Parker to hand him the cup. When the door swings open Parker turns to see one of his scouts, Thaddeus Bowman, barge through the door.

"Sir, I got trapped behind the regulars on my patrols," Bowman finally gets out while trying to catch his breath. The man is dust-ridden. "I tried to get here sooner but I couldn't manage."

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