Dipper was still talking, and with some effort she pushed the anger from her mind and focused on his words. "I have to work here, but other than that, everything's been really cool. Grunkle Stan and Ford are really nice— Ford even gave me one of his old Journals, and I get to help with research. Soos is fun, and Wendy—" A faint blush bloomed in his cheeks. "—she's awesome."

Mabel gasped, her eyes lighting up as realization struck her. "You like her!"

"Shhhhh!" Dipper viciously hissed, despite the fact that there was no one else in the Hall of Mysteries. He fidgeted with his glasses. "No! I mean, she's just— really cool, and— and nice—" Dipper sighed, probably recognizing Mabel's unconvinced expression. "Okay, maybe I do like her. And I know she's older, but it's only by two years, and—"

Mabel couldn't contain her wide grin. While she had a tendency to get crushes maybe a bit too often, Dipper had always mostly been immune to the more... romantic side of life. There had been the incident with Lisa Jansson in the first grade, but— that didn't really count. And once they were old enough to begin helping in the war against Bill and his demons, time for crushes had all but disappeared.

"You know..." Mabel began, wiggling her eyebrows, "I'm a highly qualified matchmaker." That wasn't technically true, but there was no way she'd get better at matchmaking if she didn't practice, right?

Dipper fervently shook his head, and Mabel was reminded of his reaction when she made the same suggestion with Lisa. "No! I— no thanks, I don't need a matchmaker."

The immediate rejection stung, but then Mabel mentally smacked herself. What was she doing? It didn't matter that Dipper had a crush on a random girl; what mattered was getting his memories back and getting them home.

But, Mabel realized, talking to him again hadn't given her any ideas for doing either of those things.

A thought came to her. What if she couldn't get Dipper's memories back? What if they were stuck here forever? When the end of summer came, he would leave Gravity Falls for a home that didn't exist, and Mabel would do— what?

Mabel quashed the thought. She would find a way home, for both of them! She just had to keep looking, and throwing herself a pity party wouldn't get them any closer. If only there were a way to find the portal that had brought them here...

The stray thought sent a jolt through Mabel. After arriving in Gravity Falls, she had spent her first few days wondering about the portal and if she could use it to get back after finding Dipper. But then, after Lilith had appeared in her dream and told her about Dipper's new life as a human... well, thoughts of the portal had mostly been driven from Mabel's mind.

And as she remembered that, another piece clicked into place. Right before he sent Dipper through the portal, Bill had told him and an invisible Mabel about the scientists from another dimension who built the portal. Now, looking at the discoveries of Stan and Ford, Mabel wondered...

Could they have been those scientists?

And, if they were, did they still remember the portal? Mabel didn't think so— they would have seen her and Dipper come through. When Lilith had modified their memories so they'd think Dipper was their nephew, she'd probably erased their memories of the portal as well.

But what if they do still remember and are just waiting to reveal us? Part of Mabel's mind wouldn't dismiss the idea. She was becoming as paranoid as Dipper. Stan and Ford couldn't remember the portal, and they didn't know who she and Dipper were.

But... what if she could find it? It had to be hidden somewhere, lost now that Stan and Ford didn't remember. Mabel could use it to get them home— she just needed to figure out where it was; she doubted it was just sitting in the gift shop. Still, she was closer than she'd been in a week, and Mabel felt her spirits lifting as she and Dipper re-entered the bright world of the gift shop.

Wendy and Soos had disappeared, but as Mabel walked back out through the curtain, Stan and Ford broke apart from whatever conversation they were having. Dipper stepped out next to her. "So, what did you think?"

Her mind still filled with the excitement of her realization, Mabel grinned. "It was great!"

Stan snorted. "It's fake."

Dipper and Ford both looked at him with shocked expressions, though Ford's had a tinge of resignation to it. "Stan—"

"She might as well know if she's gonna be working here." Stan said it with an easy air as he popped open a can of Pitt Cola and took a long sip, either unaware or unconcerned by the confusion of the others in the room.

"I'm going to be— what?"

"Look, kid, I'm not an idiot. You're not staying with your aunt— or your grandma." Stan raised his eyebrow at her over another sip of soda. "You don't have any money, you were alone in the forest, and your hair looks like it hasn't been washed in a week."

Mabel's brain churned through his words, trying to figure out how to respond. He couldn't know who she was— unless he and Ford knew about the portal, knew she was an Avem. Should she hypnotize him? Try to bluff her way through? Run for it? Distracted by her frantic thoughts, she nearly missed his next words. "You aren't visiting anyone in Gravity Falls— you're a runaway."

She was what?

Silence followed Stan's statement, Ford finally being the one to break it with a long sigh. "You never were much one for tact, were you."

"Nope." Stan let out a belch. "And I'm too old to change now. Look, Sixer, if she were staying with someone in town, would she have been in the forest all alone? All the townspeople are terrified of it— they'd never have let her get within ten feet of the edge."

Mixed feelings of relief and confusion swirled in Mabel. Somehow Stan had come to the conclusion that she had run away from home— which in a way, she had; it just wasn't on purpose. But the thought that rose forefront to her mind was that he didn't know the truth about who she was. Mabel was safe.

Stan's voice softened as he tilted his head to look at her. "Look, I don't know who you are or what your story is, but I'm not gonna let a kid like you be out on their own. There's an extra bed up in the attic, and you'll earn your keep by working in the Emporium."

"Wait, so she's gonna be staying here?" Dipper asked, sounding as confused as Mabel felt.

"Yep. Hope you don't mind having a roommate." Stan burped again, then tossed the empty can into the trash.

Mabel was sure she looked like a fish as she opened and closed her mouth, trying to figure out how to respond. Part of her was still convinced this was a trap— it was almost too good to be true. Less than an hour before, she had been wishing for a safe place to sleep, and now that was exactly what Stan was offering.

She wondered again if there was any way he had found out the truth about her, but as Mabel looked at him, some kind of gut feeling told her that Stan genuinely wanted to help.

"Just so you're aware, I'm not gonna take no for an answer," Stan said, apparently sensing her hesitation even if he didn't know the reason for it. "We're not leaving a kid alone in the woods— are we, Ford?"

Ford rolled his eyes at his brother, then turned to smile at Mabel. "Of course not! You're certainly welcome here."

"I—" Finally Mabel's mouth landed on the right words to say. "Thank you."

Stan shrugged. "No problem, kid. I went ahead and sent Soos and Wendy home for the day— not much of a point in them staying when there's no business— so you'll start work in the morning.

"Welcome to the Emporium."

Aaaand we're back! Sorry for the late update; I was visiting family and didn't have my laptop or time to post. I hope you all had a merry Christmas (and that you enjoyed this chapter)! See you next week :)

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