Into the wild area

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Ceras pov~
we had just gotten off of a train that had brought us to the wild area and I smile as we walk into one of the fields. "So we have to travel through the wild area to reach Hammerlock and then we head to the town after that for our 4th gym battle" I say and smile as Kiara was holding Bedes hand. "The next gym is a double challenger gym you will be my partner right?" She asks him and he was blushing it was so cute how obvious it was that they liked each other. "Of course I will and we will beat the gym to" he says and Kiara smiles as we progress further into the wild area. "Hey Cera I think electrikes live here in the part of the wild area why don't we try to find you one for your team?" Kiara asks me and I smile "that sounds like a great idea" I say and the hunt for a electrike begins. But after hours of searching and even splitting up we had no luck until I heard whimpering coming from a nearby patch of grass. I walk over to it and notice a blue electrike but he was hurt so I try to crouch closer to it but it starts using thunderbolt. "H-hey I'm only trying to help you" I say and keep leaning closer trying to calm him down. He barks loudly and tries to stand up only falling back down. I catch him and hold him in my arms as I notice he had a purple hue on his snout. "You poor thing your poisoned!" I say and get out a antidote to spray on the poor Pokémon. When I get done spraying he looks up at me and licks my cheek before jumping out of my arms and into a battle position. "You wanna battle me?" I ask and it howls as if saying it wanted to challenge me "alright Zooma come out!" I say and she pops out ready to fight "use crunch" I say and she nods before using crunch and making the electrike flinch. "Now use fire Fang" I say and she nods but the electrike dodges it "fire fang once more!" I shout and she uses it landing a direct hit on the electrike. "Alright now pokeball go!" I say and throw a pokeball smiling when it shakes three times and clicks. "Alright Zo" I'm cut off by her glowing and when she stops she was now a boltund. "Zooma you evolved!" I say and smile as she jumps into my arms and licks my cheek. I giggle and set her down as I let out my new edition to the team electrike. "I hope you don't mind becoming a part of my team" I say and he barks happily "alright how about I name you... Watt?" I ask and he barks more "I know we will be a great team" I say and return both him and Zooma. I then start to head back but that's when I realized that I was now in a sandstorm. "I can't see anything" I say and cover my eyes with my arms I start walking forward but it was hard not being able to see the wind was blowing hard and it kept almost pushing me down. But I the noticed the outline something or someone maybe a small Pokémon? But I couldn't look long as sand was getting in my eyes but I heard it crying out to me. I then felt it pushing agianst the back of my leg trying to tell me to move I begin inching forward until it helps me out of the sandstorm. I look down and smile as it was a small trapinch it was green and smaller than usual but it was cute. "Your not even an electrike type but I want you" I say to myself as it chirps happily "but I'm sorry I can't have you on my team" I say and wave to it before waking away hearing it cry after me. I turn around and notice it looking down. "Your alone aren't you?" I ask and it looks up at me "you know what cmere" I say and smile as it runs to me and jumps into my opens arms "I'll take you in after all you saved me" I say and smile as she chirps more "how about I name you Emerald?" I ask and she chirps more before I hear Kaira calling out to me. "Hey Cera!" She shouts and she runs up to me "are you okay?!" She asks and I look at her confused why wouldn't I be?" I ask her "because you just walked three miles through a sandstorm" she says and I smile well I made it because of this cutie" I say and show her Emerald. "Cera she isn't electric type" she says "I know but she was alone and she saved my life I couldn't leave her be" I say and smile when Emerald climbs onto my head. "Well I'm sorry you didn't get an electrike though" she says "actually I caught one" I say and send out Watt "wow he is a cutie" she says and I smile "well looks like we're at hammerlocks gate let's go in shall we?" I ask and everyone nods as we head into hammerlock.

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