Chapter 14 - Nerd Lab

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"Ah, Willow. I see you've made it to the nerd lab," Gogo greeted.
"WILLOW'S HERE?!" Honey screeched, running from her workspace. "Willow!!" She grinned, squeezing her in a huge hug. "How's my little Willow doing?!"
"G-Good!" Willow squeaked. Honey soon released her.
"Welcome!" Said Wasabi, coming out of his space.
"I'll just leave now, okay? Willow, call me around 7 o'clock," said Cass. "Bye, everyone."
"Bye Cass!" Everyone chimed.
"So, this is what I wanted to show you," Hiro announced. He took a bed sheet off of a large container. "I designed you a super suit!"
There was a white super suit inside. Willow was immediately drawn to it.
"Honey helped me design it. We made it a little more free-flowing, so you can move around easily," he explained. "My original idea was to make it like a leotard-thing, but I didn't think that was practical. So I went a kinda cat-theme. The helmet has cat ears on it, and there's a little bell on the neck. Do you like it?"
"Like it?! I love it! It's.. It's.. AMAZING! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, hugging the boy.
He hugged her back, and they stayed like that for awhile, in each others arms.
"Oh, um," Hiro pulled back nervously. "Sorry."
Willow chuckled, "It's okay, I don't mind." She examined the suit again. "Hey, what's that?" She asked, pointing to a holster on the back of the suit.
"Oh, that? Well, I was thinking that I could train you so you could learn how to use a bō staff, and that would be your weapon," he explained.
"I see... What's a bō staff?" She questioned, chuckling nervously.
He opened up a cabinet and threw a long stick out for her to catch. She caught it. "You can like spin it and hit people with it. It's super cool!"
"Like this?" She went and tapped his head lightly with it.
"Yeah, you're definitely in need of some training," he smiled.
Hiro then decided to give her a tour of the school, which took them a while.
"And this, is the park where everyone goes to recollect themselves," he explained. "Nice, isn't it?"
Willow nodded, looking around the park. Multiple cherry trees were scattered all around, giving the area a vast pink tint.
"It's beautiful," she whispered, smiling to herself. Grabbing his hand hastily, she turned to him. "I really like this place."
He grinned. "I'm glad that you do, honestly."
"You're so lucky to be so smart," she smiled.
A faint red blush scattered his cheeks. "Thanks," he smiled back.
They stood for a few minutes, just staring into each other's eyes.
"Hey um-"
"HEY GUYS, ITS TIME FOR LUNCH!" Fred yelled, running up to them, the rest of the group following.
"Aww, are you two on a date?" Honey cooed. "How cute!"
Hiro rolled his eyes. "Where are we getting lunch?"
"The sushi bar, of course," Wasabi said. He worked at the sushi bar so they always got discounts.
"Oh, yum!" Willow exclaimed. "Walking?"
Gogo nodded. "Mr. Cleanfreaks van is low on gas."
"Let's goooo!!!" Fred pleaded.
"Freddy, we're going don't worry!" Honey smiled, rolling her eyes.
They all started walking in pairs to the restaurant.
Hiro and Willow held hands as they walked down the street.
"Is the sushi bar good?" She asked. Hiro nodded.
"It has a conveyor belt which brings out the sushi, which is really cool because you just pick which one you want and you just eat it!" He explained.
They followed the rest of the gang, hand in hand, to the sushi bar.
"Here we are!" Fred shouted. He walked through the door with a huge grin on his face. Wasabi followed, shaking his head.
"Hello, table for six?" He said to the man at the front. The man nodded and took them to the table.

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