Chapter 25 - BFG

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A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated

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A/N: Hello lovelies! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated. For those of you who didn't see my posts my daughter had a chest infection, she's still coughing, but she's on the mend. However now I have it and I want to cry and be cuddled like she was 😂 so it's my husbands birthday tomorrow and I feel like death, so it might not be the celebration it normally is! But I shall survive. Hope you enjoy the update xxxx

I called Killer as soon as she fell asleep. Her mother fucking ex will pay for what he did and for thinking he could just waltz into Broken Demons territory without consequences.

Sarah woke a few times during the night, I'm sure she was having nightmares though she wouldn't admit it. So I did the only thing I could to distract her, made her cum on my tongue, fingers and dick until she passed out. I also called Scarlett and she was happy to cover for Sarah at the bakery today, so I turned off the alarm Sarah had set and left her a note to rest while I'm in church.

Last night I told her she was mine, that her and her son are both mine and I meant it. Any doubts I had about trust or us working out disappeared the second she told me her ex was here, replaced by a burning need to protect her and Toby from him.

"Should I go check on her?" Cordelia whispers as she serves breakfast

"Let her rest, she's bruised but I think she's ok physically." I reply quietly. Toby is sitting with the other kids and I don't want him to hear his mom was hurt. I grab my plate and coffee and take an empty seat near Toby

"Hey little dude how about you, me and your mom go somewhere fun today?" I smile as though I'm not playing out his fathers murder in my head.

"Mommy is working." Toby shrugs

"Well what if I talk her into taking the day off? I like hanging out with you, we had fun at the zoo didn't we?" I ask

"I liked the bears." He smiles holding up the little plastic bear I bought him at the zoo to add to his dinosaurs

"Church." Killer growls as he walks passed the kitchen door

"Tell you what, you think about what you want to do today, we can do anything you want, and I'll be back soon." He nods and smiles as I quickly finish my breakfast and head to church.

"You hear from Needles or Doc yet?" Bullet asks around as I take my seat

"Not yet, I hope Doc films it though." Ace smirks

"Alright listen up. BFG why don't you fill the rest of the club in on what you told me last night." Killer says motioning to me

"Sarah's ex husband is here." I sigh as groans sound around the room

"What does that fuck think he's doing here?" Circuit asks

"He waited until Sarah was alone at the bakery and threatened her, says he isn't taking no for an answer, she's going back with him, he bruised her." I growl that last bit, hurting my fucking woman

"She your old lady yet?" Knuckles asks

"Yeah, she just doesn't know it yet." I shrug as I few guys chuckle

"So why you bringing us in on this? You need help burying a body? Cos I'm pretty sure we all hate fuckers that hurt women and kids." Reaper asks

"Nah, the problem is he's so well respected, his family are fucking loaded and they're connected. We make him disappear too many people will come looking for him. Sarah is scared he'll try to hurt the club to get to her." I explain

"So what do we do?" Ice asks

"We need to come up with a plan, scare him back to Boston without it blowing back on us." Killer adds

"Sarah wants to file a restraining order." I roll my eyes as the guys groan

"Yeah we all know what a great job the law do of protecting women." Socket growls. He knows that better than anyone between what happened to his sister and his old lady. Natalie was almost raped by a loan shark because a dirty cop locked Socket up and lured Natalie away from the safety of the clubhouse. Yeah there's no fucking way I'm letting that happen to Sarah, Charles has more than enough cash to grease a few palms.

After a while of shooting ideas we still can't come up with a solid plan. Circuit is going to continue looking into Charles, see if there's anymore dirt to dig up

"So it's agreed, if Sarah or the kid leave the compound they have an escort and I want two guys on the bakery at all times." Killer nods

"You talk to Needles? He won't be happy this guys messing with his old ladies business, especially now she's pregnant." Reaper asks

"Yeah, they'll be back today, although from what I hear Needles will be out of commission for a couple days." Killer smirks. Mollys soldier father and his three brothers probably did a number on Needles for getting Molly pregnant at nineteen when he's thirty five, what father wouldn't? God help the boys that try to get near the little girls of this club.

Killer dismisses church and as soon as I step out into the bar Toby runs over to me

"Are you done? Can we go now?" He asks excited as he takes my hand and pulls me towards Cordelia and the other kids

"Calm down little dude where are we going?" I laugh as I pretend he's dragging me

"I suggested the beach, let's these little terrors run around for a while and they'll pass out and I get some peace." Cordelia smiles

"The beach sounds good, shall we go wake up your mom?" I ask Toby and he nods.

"Mommy! Mommy wake up!" Toby yells as he dives onto the bed and bounces up and down

"What's going on?" Sarah groans as she wakes up "oh gosh what time is it? I overslept!"

She darts from the bed but I stop her before she can get to the bathroom

"Relax, you're taking the day off." I smile

"I am? But I promised Molly." Sarah says confused

"Well Toby and I figured we could do something fun instead so Scarlett is at the bakery and we are going to the beach with Cordelia and the kids." I motion to Toby jumping on the bed excited

"You're sure? Maybe I should call Scarlett and check on her first." Sarah says looking for her cell

"No, it's all taken care of, I'll help Toby get ready, you've got ten minutes to be outside." I smirk as I release her and she darts to the bathroom

"Come one little dude." I motion to the door and he bounces off the bed before following me to Sarah's room.

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