Chapter 12 - Sarah

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I'm officially losing my mind

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I'm officially losing my mind. I'm in the middle of running away from my abusive husband with my son and instead of sleeping last night what did I do? I listened to the noise coming from Dereks room. I'm a crazy person! Why did I stand in the hall listening to my ex boyfriend have sex with two women at the same time?

It sounded so different from the times Derek and I were together. It sounded raw, rough and hot. Derek used to worship my body as I did his, he was so gentle and loving. I was a virgin when we met, had the no sex before marriage idea in my head from my mother. But I fell in love with Derek and I wanted to connect with him on every level. He told me he was happy to wait, but I didn't want to. That is one decision I know I got right, giving myself to Derek.

I shouldn't care who he's sleeping with, I gave up my right to care the day I walked out on him. But I still love him and I know I always will, which is why I know he deserves to be happy after I broke his heart, even if it will never be with me. Regardless of all that I'm still married, even if I left my rings behind that doesn't just make Charles disappear, I can't think of anyone else until I find a way to fix this mess. Then there's the fact I have a son, would Derek accept Tobias? Would Tobias even like Derek? I can't stop my brain from working overtime with so many things running through it all the time.

"Your eggs are burning."

"Darn." I curse as I quickly pull the skillet off the heat

"That's usually my trick." Cordelia chuckles as she pours coffee

"Sorry, I'll make some fresh." I sigh as I scoop the black eggs into the trash

"Are you alright?" Cordelia asks leaning against the counter

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind." I sigh as I pull the carton of eggs from the refrigerator

"Well I'm here if you want to talk." Cordelia smiles.

"I just, I guess I wish I'd thought out a plan for leaving my husband, I'm not sure what to do, leaving was kind of a spur of the moment thing." I shrug as I pour fresh eggs into the skillet

"Because he hurt you and your son?" She asks and I nod

"I figured as much. Well do you want to go back to him?"

"Definitely not and Tobias said he wants to stay with me."

"Well then do you want to file for divorce? I can set you up with the lawyer the club uses."

"Thank you but I don't have money for a lawyer." I sigh

"We'll figure something out, just meet with him, see what he thinks." Cordelia shrugs

"I doubt anyone would want to face the Callahan lawyers. Charles had a malpractice suit against him and they ended up counter suing and won. I heard him on the phone admitting he made the mistake." I explain

"Yeah I know how ruthless they are, I've read everything Catherine Callahan has published, she's an amazing plastic surgeon but I bet she's a bitch to work with." Cordelia chuckles.

"Yeah my mother in law was quite the nightmare." I sigh

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all work out. Don't forget we're having a salon day and you're coming." Cordelia smiles. At least once a month we would have a salon day where we would gossip and giggle and get our hair and nails done, it used to be me Cordelia, Indigo and Izzy but there's so many of them now.

"I have to work." I lie

"The bakery is closed today." Cordelia smirks

"What about Tobias?" I ask

"Diesel has already taken him to my house to be with Stacey and the other kids. You're not getting out of it. You're scared of Izzy Huh?"

"Well yeah, she's the one with all the scissors on her belt." I reply and Cordelia laughs

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"You girls ready?" Adeline asks as she starts the car, she picked up me, Cordelia and Indigo

"You look nervous as hell Sarah, it's just a girls day, chill, it's gonna be fun." She says looking in the rear view mirror

"Don't worry I talked to Izzy, she's over it." Indigo smiles from beside me

"It's Izzy you're scared of? Damn I'd be scared Scarlett, my girl is crazy." Adeline chuckles as we drive towards the salon

"Put my niece down soldier." Adeline says as she passes Needles kissing Molly

"Ignore her! You get it girl and then give me the details!" Scarlett yells from the salon doorway

"Sorry." Molly blushes

"Have fun." Needles says, kissing Molly once more before walking away

"Hey you came." Molly smiles as she walks beside me into the salon

"Fuck me you guys took forever to get here." Natalie says as she leans against the counter

"What's the rush?" Adeline asks

"I'm pregnant!" Natalie beams as Indigo and Adeline run up to hug her

"Thank fuck for that!" Cordelia groans

"What?" Natalie asks over Adelines shoulder

"Now Socket will stop coming to the clinic to show me what he swears are friction burns." She chuckles as the girls laugh.

Everyone settles down to getting their manicures or hair done or gossiping and reading magazines when Izzy walks up to me

"Come on, looks like you could use a deep conditioner treatment." She says motioning towards her chair

"Indigo and I talked, I guess I overreacted a little." She shrugs and I nod as I follow her and sit down.

By the end of the day I'm exhausted, I got to know the old ladies a lot better and they're all so amazing in their own ways, I can't believe Ice is married to such a nice girl and they have two kids, but Imelda says they want more. None of them were mean to me, they treated me like one of them, I was so stupid to leave this family, they have always treated me better than my family and so much better than Charles' family. I really could see myself staying here.

MC Home (Broken Demons MC #10)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें