Unsettled Horizon

Start from the beginning

I asked her while trying to avoid stepping on the many corpses that lay across the floor.

"I wasn't asking for your help to save the humans, what I needed your help in was to carry Elijah back to his chambers. He's overheated and his demon has drained his energy a bit. He refuses to let me touch him, but I'm sure he won't refuse you. I can't bring in more humans if the King is down here, he'll only kill them all once he's back to his full power. So I need you to take him back to his room, please..."

She begged once again, I then annoyingly kicked one of the bodies out of my way as I reached the floors of the dungeon. That's where I saw nothing but torn limbs and decapitated heads spread everywhere. Even the smell of burnt flesh was becoming nauseating for me...

"Where is he?"

I coldly asked as I tried not to breathe in the disgusting air around me. I honestly just wanted to get Elijah and leave this place already. The dungeon has become a blood bath for the King to unleash his frustration on, and quite frankly, I find it ridiculous that Elijah has lost his will to control himself. But then again, who am I to speak?

"Oh, he's right this way, come I'll show you." 

Carla quickly gestured as she hurried her way down the dungeon halls. With each passing cell, every single cell block remained empty. I'm sure it's because all of the humans were spread throughout the castle. Completely slaughtered and butchered like cattle, I almost pity them. However, these humans do deserve a painful death for the sins they've committed in the human world.

"My Lord, I've brought Crow. He'll help you back to your room..."

Hearing Carla's voice, I averted my gaze in the direction she was looking at. That's when I saw him, my brother, who is feared by all and holds so much power, and envied by everyone. Is now reduced to this pathetic state, sitting in human blood looking completely defeated and holding nothing but death in his eyes...

"Where's Emily?" 

Elijah spoke with his voice sounding heavy, he kept his head down and didn't bother to look at Carla or me.

"She left with the other witches this morning, she'll be back by dawn-"

"Have her come to my room again tonight, make sure she's blindfolded as well, I don't want to look at her face..." 

He growled in frustration, as Elijah gave the order, I made my way to where he was sitting and carefully helped him stand up. Despite wanting to stay away from this family, it's not possible for me to do since I could hear everyone speak. Elijah has been using Emily's body along with other witches that Emily brings to the castle. Usually, he kills them all other than Emily, however, Emily is always close to dying whenever Elijah is done using her. She almost died last time, yet Carla was able to heal her wounds, unfortunately.

"Yes my Lord, will that be all?" 

She asked in a deep bow...

"Have you found Raven yet?"

He suddenly asked as he made me stop walking, my brother's body was really heavy and I'm surprised he could stand on his feet with the number of people he's killed. There were at least 50 cell blocks down here, and there were 3 humans in each cell. That's a total of 150 humans he's massacred, and who knows when he'll unleash another killing spree down here?

"No, I'm sorry my Lord, I'm trying-"

"You're completely worthless, hurry up and find her! If you can't carry out a simple order of finding someone, then what fucking use are you? Why am I even keeping you alive, to begin with?!"

Elijah bluntly stated as he yanked Carla's shirt, he then pushed her harshly against the metal gate behind us! He no longer leaned against me, but I could tell that his body was still unstable with how much he was stumbling.

His Demonic Aggression: Demonic Series (Book 3)✓Where stories live. Discover now