2. Time Keeps On Slippin' Into The Future

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Detroit Michigan, MGM Grand Hotel - Room 1136 May 18 2017

ANDI: The sunlight began to pour through the large sliding glass doors of the hotel room balcony as I find myself laying facedown in a large comfy bed, probably the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in, my dark curls covering my face, blinking my eyes a few times to try to focus on the light pouring through the room.

Wait... where am I?

I flick my eyes open and lift myself off the pillow, pushing my curls out of my face. As I look around the room, I turn myself over and sit up in bed, pulling the covers up to my bare chest.

Oh no, not again...

I exhale and a stray curl flutters up and falls back down across my eyes as I glance around the room to figure out just where I was this time. I hate it when this happens. After months and months of not having any episodes, here I am once again, slipping through time. At least this time I'm not in the middle of an alley or on a long stretch of highway, naked with no one around. I stretch for a moment and yawn as I flip my curls out of my eyes, trying to figure out what to do about the clothing situation.

I wonder who's room I'm in anyways.

I see a suitcase by the door and laptop that was sitting on a desk. There was also a couple of cardigan sweaters that rested on the arm of the large reading chair that was opposite of the bed, and a guitar case that was leaning against the chair.
I don't remember anything about last night, but that usually happens for the first few hours and then once I know where, or really when I am, I'm pretty much ok - at least lately that has been the case.

I decide to see if there were any spare clothes that may be in the dresser that sat across from me. I take the bed sheet and wrap it around myself, hop out of bed and walk over to the dresser to search for some much needed clothing. Nothing at all in any of the drawers.

Fuck, what am I going to do?

As soon as I close the last drawer of the dresser, the hotel room door opens which makes me jump and I slam the dresser drawer shut. I look up towards the door that opened and I swear to god, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Chris steps into the room, wearing a black jacket, a white T-shirt with the 90 logo and fitted jeans, holding a shopping bag and two cups of what looked like coffee.

Chris... Oh my god it's Chris... but he's so much older...

"Hi," He says so sweetly. All I could do was stand there like an idiot holding up the bed sheet I had wrapped around me while it felt like my heart was about to pound out of my chest.

"I uh, brought you some coffee and uh, I hope this isn't weird or anything but I picked up something for you to wear... since well... you know," He says shyly as he walks over to me holding out the bag and coffee.

I just look at him completely dumbfounded and awestruck in his presence, not sure what to do or what to say, but without even thinking, I move towards him and throw my arms around his neck and hug him.

"Whoa ok... I uh take it you're alright then," He chuckles and I nod quickly unable to say anything because I was so incredible happy that he's here.

Damn he's still so incredibly gorgeous. Wait... what year is this?

"Um, well... here these are for you," He says a little apprehensively, clearing his throat once I let go of him and he looks down at the shopping bag. He hands me the bag and I take it from him as I tuck the bed sheet around myself. I pull out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black and white converse, a bra and panties and an old Aerosmith T-shirt from their 1984 world tour.

Time After Time || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now