Oops Part 2

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Hey kids this chapter will be in Ghira's Pov

{Previously on Oops}

"Nice ass" He thought he said it his head but NOPE. Life hates being fair so he said it out loud. Loud enough for the taller man to hear him.

Ghirahim turned his head and smirked.

"Glad you think so."

Link's eyes widened and he hid his face in the pillow.                                                                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out of the room and headed upstairs where all the blanket's were.

Once I grabbed it, I headed back to the living room to see Link's face buried in one of my pillows.

I tapped him on his shoulder lightly and gave him his blanket.

He was a blushing mess. 

"T-thanks for the blanket." He grabbed it from me and placed it over his body.

I smiled "No problem"

I turned and started to make my way to my own bedroom when something grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Hey uh could you like stay here with me?" Link asked

I acted like I was thinking about it when in reality I couldn't be happier.

"Hmm well I don't know I really wanted to sleep in my own room."

His eyes drooped down for a moment, but came right back up as he started his sentence.

"Yeah okay that makes sense....Good night then." He shifted on the couch, facing away from me.

I didn't let him stay that way for long,  I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my room.

I let him down on my bed, enjoying how flustered he was.

"You could've just asked me to go upstairs with you." 

"But where's the fun in that?" I smirked

He squinted at me.

"Well are you going to sleep or not?" He asked me.

I laid down on my bed covering myself in my blanket, facing away from Link.

I heard Link shuffling around on my bed and assumed he had made himself comfortable.

I waited until I heard light snoring and turned around.

He looked so peaceful, almost like a princess.

I kissed the top of his nose softly and backed away smiling.

"Good night Link."

Ok so..... im sorry for not writing anything 

i honestly dont have an excuse for it 

im sorry this chapter is bad im rusty so yeah


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