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Soulmate AU suggested by Calamity_Hero_Awaken and it's a high school AU because why not

Ghira's POV

Ugh it's raining, how annoying. I always get a little depressed when it rains. I lean my head against the window of the bus as it rolls along the street. I pull out my phone to play some games to pass the time until I notice a large red blotch on my hand. Where did it come from? Am I sick? I quickly press my hand against my forehead, dropping my phone in the process. "Shit." I whisper. 

I pick my phone back up and the bus has stopped. I hop off and head inside the school building with my phone in hand. I see some of my friends and jog over to them, accidentally bumping into someone.  They turn around to see who bumped into them and I see it's a boy with blond hair and striking sky blue eyes. He looks at me for a second then goes on about his day. As he's walking I notice something red on his hand. It looks suspiciously similar to mine but I shrug it off and go on to my friends.

The day drags on, and I can't get that boy out of my head, it shouldn't be that big of a deal really, but I felt something strange with him I just know it. I'll have to find him later.  

The last bell rings and the kids rush out of the door. On a normal day I would be one of them but I have to find that boy first. Once everyone leaves I hop up from my seat and and a flash of purple catches my eye. I glance down at my arm and see a whole barrage of colors splattered on my arm. It looks absolutely beautiful. I stare at it in appreciation for a moment. I really think the boy I met earlier has something to do with this. 

I grab my bags and head out the door, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. There are still some students in the hallways but not many, hopefully this means that I can still catch him. I start to wonder the halls since I no nothing about him and am just now starting to realize how little I knew. I'm starting to get desperate and pick up the pace when I walk. I walk down almost every hallway and glance at all the rooms. I don't see anyone. 

I'm about to give up until finally I see someone with blond hair. I walk in the room and i'm happy to find that it's the very person i'm looking for. I look around the room and see cans of paint, but it's nothing I've ever seen before.  The colors are vibrant and a there's a variety of them. It doesn't look like he quite knew what he was going to paint so he just chose some random colors. 

I think he finally notices me because he turns around and looks me right in the eye. "A-ah I didn't think there would be anyone here at this time i'll leave." He says nervously, then he looks down at my arm. His eyes widen, then he looks back up at me. "No way" He says to himself then he lifts up his sleeve to show me an identical version of the colors on my arm. "Did you do this?" I ask. "Yes it was me, but I didn't think it would actually work" He explains. "What do you mean?"

He motions towards the paint cans on the floor. "The paint I have with me can show you who your soulmate is if you paint on yourself with it, the thing you painted is supposed to appear on your whoever your soulmate is." "I thought it was a hoax but since I was curious and I like to paint I bought it online."

I take in everything he has just told me. "Well since we're soulmates I think it would be a good idea to at least no each other's names." I say with a smirk. "Oh right, i'm Link who are you?

"I'm Ghirahim but you can call me Ghira." "Ok then." We shake hands to seal the deal. "Well then  Link, would you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" I say jokingly. "But of course." I take his hand and we walk out of the room. 

"The painting you made on me is quite colorful."

Hey kids i'm back with an actual good chapter. I tried making this one longer but I feel like I didn't succeed oh well there's always next time.thanks again Calamity_Hero_Awaken for the idea. you're a real one 


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