chapter 24

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I screamed and shot up from the bed. I peered over at the clock. Two in the morning. Urgh.

The bed sheets were stuck to my legs. Gosh I was soaking! Bed sheets? There were actually bed sheets? Not ashes? Where was I? I was in my room.... It wasn't on fire! I peered up at my wings. They weren't burnt? What? Everything was normal. There wasn't a fire. There was no fire. I was alive.

I sank back into bed, relaxed and calm. It was all a dream. A nightmare. It wasn't real. Yet it felt all so realistic?

I tossed and turned until my eyelids began to droop again. My mind became blank until I heard distant commotion. Shouting. Stomping. Clattering.

I came to the conclusion it was just local people when I realised this house was located in the middle of nowhere. There were barely any animals nearby, let alone villagers! The only people to live here couldn't possibly make such noise! I climbed out of bed unwillingly and curiously peeked out the window. To the right, rested the uneven hills and fields under the early morning sunrise. To the left, however, there was orange. red. Flames. Black storm clouds and a rage of people beneath.

However when I looked closer, I saw these people weren't just people.

They had wings.

And when a rock came plummeting through my window, I realised that my nightmare wasn't in fact a nightmare.

In an angel's life, they soon discover they have one power. One power completely unique to everybody else. Some could read minds, detecting all your secrets, and in this world, people have many. Some could turn invisible, also very convenient for angels as they get taken away left right and centre. Also, some could even control your deepest and darkest thoughts.

That night I discovered my power. When the rock came charging through my window, setting my room alight, I realised that dream never really was a nightmare.

It was a vision.

I had seen what my fate was to be. I would die this morning.

But I am an angel, and like hell am I going to let a revolt of angels kill me.

And yes, I said hell.

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