Chapter 22: Good Luck

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Connor had to smile. "If you said so, princess."

"I'm not a princess," she snickered at his remark.

"You looked and acted like one. You're definently a princess, and the boys never noticed it because they're not princes, are they?"

"Yuck. Stop your silly jokes and focus. Remmeber, it doesn't matter if you lose or not. You've got to try your best only. See you, Connor," Emily waved and run up to her friends.

"Of course. I'm going to catch that snitch for you, Emily.." he wore the bracelet on his wrist and head back to check on his broom.

"Quick! What'd you said to him?" Chloe whispered to her as the crowd was starting to increase hugely behind them.

"Nothing.. Just wished him luck, that's all!"

"The captains are shaking hands!" Julia snatched the binoculars from Emily and peered at the field.

"See? Connor's looking better. He's looked determined!" Rebecca grinned widely and tried to wave but his focus was on his broom.

The two teams rode their brooms and kicked off into the air, soaring above the field.

For the first few minutes, a gryffindor had threw a bludger into the hoop, already earning points for his team. The hufflepuffs looked terrible, fighting against the well trained players.

Another bludger shot out from the air and hit a gryffindor squarely on the arm. He fell off his fine looking hickory broom and landed on the ground, groaning in pain. One chaser down.

The hufflepuffs had took the player's fall as a sign of winning, and they started gaining more confidence and played harder, avoiding getting hit and smashed by flying, ricochet balls.

Emily watched Connor, high above than the rest of his mates, searching for the golden ball with ivory wings. He was scanning the crowd, waiting for it to appear in his vision.

The match continued and Emily felt drops of rain tickling her hands that was gripping onto the wooden railing tightly. The crowd's cheers had started to turn into a series of groaning when the rain got heavier.

"Damn it! Urgh - I don't care, I'm still watching the match!" Julia huffed and squinted her eyes to watch it.

Emily wiped the rain off her arm when suddenly the hufflepuffs screamed and pointed at a golden, shimmering thing.

The gryffindor seeker had saw it first and charged down too fast that the crowds couldn't catch where he had went.

The rain splattered everywhere, on the field, stadium, and robes of the students. Connor hadn't move from his spot. Everyone looked at him, with anxiety in their eyes.

What was he doing? Surely he didn't planned to just hover there with his broomstick... The gryffindor seeker is catching up quickly with the golden ball, Emily thought, watching him closely with her binoculars.

Then suddenly, he sprinted down so fast that the pickle green binoculars dropped out of her hands. Emily smiled at him. Now that - was a cunning plan.

Connor was ahead of him, eyes focused on the ball. The other seeker huffed in annoyance and tried moving faster, banging into him.

He hadn't stumbled and fall off, which annoyed the player even more when suddenly Connor's fingers brushed against the metal surface of the snitch and he slammed his hand down, grabbing hold of it.

Emily screamed with joy and without any time to waste, she pushed past the others and ran down the field.

"Connor! Connor you did it!" she screamed, her voice loud enough for the crowds to hear. Some girls looked at her in disgust. Her shoes were caked with mud and her long hair was wet. The bow on it had already dropped, and her long, brown locks clunged together.

He laughed at the reaction and Emily squealed. Connor grabbed her by the waist with his strong hands and spunned her in the air like a trophy.

"Put me down," she dropped her voice in a low whisper, "You're embarrassing me!"

He smiled evilly, "Nope."

The rest of the hufflepuffs came and congratulated the team, hugging the captain and shaking hands with the players.

"You were brilliant," Emily took a white handkerchief out from her robes since Tom told her that someone had stole it. It was an expensive silk handkerchief, after all.

She dabbed her handkerchief onto his forehead and for a moment Connor was lost in her eyes. How icy and pretty they were...she was standing so close to him that he could count the brown specks in them.

"What is it?"

He smiled, "Nothing.. You're just very pretty -"

"I'm flattered,"Emily chuckled softly, pressing the cloth onto his cheeks.


"What is it?"

"We're soaking under the rain. And people are watching us," Connor whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. He felt the softness of her skin and longed to keep his hands there, but he was afraid that she might think he was a creep.

"Alright.. Let's go back to the common room.. I'll make you coffee if you want," Emily removed her hands on his face and pulled him along, sneaking away from their friends.

"Tom? Tom!" Abraxas Malfoy called his name through the slytherins, looking a bit afraid.

"What?" he said, expressionless, at the young slytherin. Malfoy flinched a bit, clutching onto his robes. He was always a bit afraid of his so called 'master'.

"What are you standing for in the rain? Let's go back -"

"Of course," he said politely. Tom couldn't let his anger show if he wanted to. He had been watching the both of them, saw her ran to him and the way he spunned Emily around. That made him gritted his teeth so tightly that he was afraid that they would crush because of the pressure.

He was jealous, very well. Tom felt very pathetic to feel this way. What was he even jealous for? The way Connor could express his love so openly to her when he couldn't? Or was it the fact that Emily had some other guy she loved too? He couldn't be sure of it.

"Tom, what's wrong?" Ignatius Prewett came behind Malfoy, looking anxious.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" he said casually.

"Oh nothing.. You looked like you could kill someone this instance."

"Maybe.. Go back to the dormitory now. I'll be there soon."

"Why? Are you -"

"Don't question my doings. You don't want to know the consequences, do you?" he said dangerously. It was a  surprise that he could make such words sound so venomous at such a young age.

"Of course, Tom. I'll be at the dormitory waiting for you," his roomate quickly said and dragged Malfoy away.

He continued watching them. How gentle Emily is when it comes to doing simple like wiping someone's forehead.. How must that felt like? Tom watched Connor took her wrist and they both sprinted behind the tents. He had really wanted to ruin their moment, but of course he couldn't do that. Emiy must continue to believe that he didn't cared for her one bit when he had more important things to do. Tom mustn't let her get in the way, not at this moment. When he had ruled the world, perhaps he could finally tell her... And perhaps not.

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