Chapter • 3

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| Troubles • Problems |


Now i'm sure you dear readers are going to ask questions. A lot of questions, but don't worry all of those questions might be answered. For now lily and luna, the both them are now facing the most dangerous event.

The meeting of a capture target

Well isn't this comical, let us see and await to their adventures. On this chapter...


Lily Pov

The sound of my heart beating pounding fast and faster it's like you've decided to finally confessed your feelings to your beloved crush...

Except the situation we're stuck right at this very moment. Death has come to our arms, i'm too young to die! This wasn't supposed to happen!!

<lily!! I almost forgot our brother, he is the 2nd capture target!!>

The sound of my twin sister luna shouting in a telepathic message. I regained my shock and tried my best on not knowing this 'brother' of ours.

He regained a bit of his composure and fixed his ruffled clothes, his plain white shirt with a cross-tie and knee-high half pants. His disheveled blond hair matching with light gray eyes glemming to it's prey.

<what the heck are you talking about! Glemming to it's prey! Are you suggesting that he's going to eat us!! Huh?!>

Oops, guess i let my thoughts out

"My name is Luke Sky Ville Fluxstone, i'm happy to meet you dearest sisters" he smiled, but his eyes are blank not showing any emotion. He also offered a handshake to us, Both luna and i accepted the handshake of our 'brother'

"Luke, your sisters are still 5 so don't be too formal" the duke-- i mean father said

"Yes father, i'll be going then." he said blankly and immeadiately leaving the room

'What's going on? Did he just walk out?! Leaving his beloved sisters like he doesn't care!'

<well in the first place he doesn't care about his siblings>

Right! i almost forgot about that info

<*snort* almost...>

Before i can retort and ready to comeback a comment to my twin, father cut off the silence by his coughs.

*Ahem* "I'm sure his busy because of his schedules, now you two don't have to worry about him. Now Off you go" he assured us and we both left the dukes office after that we are heading straight to luna room


"The game hasn't started and now we've encountered the 2nd capture target! Which is our BROTHER! What are we supposed to do now... do you have any plans, luna?" I looked to luna with hope shinning in my eyes. She didn't seem to hear my pleading voice, but after awhile she looked at me in seriousness.

"Isn't it obvious? You already know the answer to that, lily" she said

"I don't get it...?! Could it be!!"

"Yes, to answer this problem all we have to do--" before she can finish her statement i cut off her sentence

"Avoid the capture targets and heroine! That's what you meant right!"

[🍀] The Twins Villainess  [🍀]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें