Chapter 28- Finding Fudge

Start from the beginning

"They're the drowsy ones", she informed him. "I thought you might need something to help you sleep."

He gave her a smile. "Thanks, Sally."

Luckily, the painkillers worked like magic. It wasn't long before Lightning was fast asleep.

It was just like old times. Lightning found himself dreaming that he was racing by Willy's Butte with Doc. Lap after lap, their speed increased, they turned right to go left, they overtook each other. After what felt like a long time, the two of them came to a stop.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again", Doc declared, sounding out of breath. "You got a lot of stuff, kid."

"Thanks, Doc. And you didn't do too bad either. You know, for an old-timer."

Doc just laughed.

"So, are we gonna head back to town?"

"Not just yet", Doc replied. "There's somewhere else I wanna go first."

"Really? Where?" Lightning wanted to know.

Without a word, Doc started down the dirt track and gestured for Lightning to follow.

"Doc!" Lightning called, trying to keep up with the older car. "Where are we going?!"

Doc didn't answer. He didn't even look back.

"Doc!" Lightning chased him. "Doc!"

Since when did Lightning struggle to keep up with Doc? That had never happened before. Oh, well. Doc knew where he was going. Lightning didn't.

"Hey, Doc! Where are we going?!" Lightning tried again as they drove over the Rolling Hills.

Doc still didn't answer.

"Doc!" the race car shouted for the third time as he saw the Hudson Hornet was about to enter Tail Light Caverns. "Will you please just tell me where we're going?!"

It was as if the older race car couldn't hear the younger. He just disappeared into the caverns. Lightning followed him.

As soon as he entered, he was unable to see Doc.

"Wow..." he murmured softly at the sight of the glowing caverns, even though he'd seen them before. "This place is beautiful! Hey, Doc! Where are you?"

The only response he got was his echoes. Where did Doc go? He seemed to have vanished.

However, after what felt like a long time, he heard Doc's voice. "Look to your right!"

"What?" Lightning did as he was told and he saw something: a wheelchair. He made a beeline towards it.

"Lightning!" a voice cried out. "Help me!"

McQueen knew exactly who that was and rushed over to help her.

"Fudge!" he sighed with relief.

Lightning awoke with a jolt at the sound of thunder. A dream. It was just a dream. But what if it was trying to tell him something? What if Doc was trying to tell him something? He was going back to Tail Light Caverns! He would've gone right then if it hadn't been for the drowsy effects of the painkillers overtaking him once again.

In the morning, everyone, except Lightning, who was still asleep, gathered at Flo's. Nobody mentioned Luigi's behaviour the night before. There didn't seem to be any need to. They just parked there in silence for a long time before Sheriff spoke.

"It's been nearly two hours now. We're gonna have to really expand our search area. If she still ain't found today, it may be time to start searchin' more of Arizona and into New Mexico and California. Maybe even Utah and Nevada if she still ain't found after that."

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