Francesca's 26th Birthday One Shot

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Hi everyone!  This is the one shot I promised months and months ago sharing the details of how Harry and Francesca spent her 26th birthday a few months after the last chapter of Cold Reads!  hope you like it. It is very NSFW and completely self-indulgent... maybe read this one alone? -A


Francesca wakes to soft kisses pressed to her shoulder. They tickle, and she shrugs her shoulders closer to her ears, pressing her body further into the pillow as she lies on her stomach. Long, warm fingers, rough with callouses from years of guitar playing, brush her long, dark hair to the side, exposing the bare skin of her back.

As he begins to kiss down her spine, his hand rests on her hip. He gives her a gentle shake, murmuring, "Wake up, birthday girl."

Francesca smiles, but keeps her eyes closed. She's woken up with Harry many times since they officially began dating nearly six months ago, but the deep and rich raspiness of his voice when he first wakes up still gives her butterflies.

"Mm," Francesca hums under her breath, just how she knows Harry likes.

He moves his attention upward, moving her hair away from her face. His lips press against her closed eyelids. His nose brushes the side of hers as he waits for her to open her eyes. When she does, he kisses her mouth softly.

He pulls back after a few seconds. "Happy birthday, my love," he whispers to her. His face is still close to hers, his body pressed tightly to her side.

"Thank you," she says softly back. She turns onto her side and scoots her body so she's fully pressed up against him. Her arm hugs him around the waist. When she feels him hard against her thigh, she chuckles. Harry smirks, unabashed.

"So this is why you're waking me up so early on my birthday," she teases, sliding her hand down his torso and taking him in her hand, stroking softly. She leans in to kiss him again.

Kissing Harry is an activity of which she never tires. In previous relationships, familiarity had bored her. With Harry, however, there was a comfort in recognizing the softness of his mouth against hers, the taste of his tongue, the biting sting of his teeth. Francesca loved every style of kissing Harry, but lazy, slow, and passionate morning kisses were close to the top.

Harry pulls his mouth from hers after a few short, chaste pecks in conclusion. "Well, that's one of the reasons." They both remember when they were featured on an episode of Truth or Drink and Francesca told Harry he should always wake her up if he was in the mood, and she's even started to do the same. Neither have ever had any complaints.

"And the other reason?" she asks, admiring him as he moves them so she's on her back beneath him. Her hands run up his torso, feeling the warmth of his bare skin and the slight roughness of his sparse body hair on her palms. His chin and the skin above his lip are speckled with the dark, short hairs that grow in between shaves. His hair is messy, ruffled from sleep and probably due for a wash.

Francesca bites her lip to allow him to keep talking and prevent herself from pulling him back down to her face and kissing the hell out of him. Sometimes, she gets concerned with how attracted she is to him even when he's unkempt and a little dirty. She wonders if she prefers him this way: virile and pheromone-ridden. She's so weirdly obsessed with him that she has to hold herself back from lifting up his hand and getting a whiff of the manly smell that emanates underneath his arm. That, she knows, would be too far.

Luckily, Harry distracts her before she can continue to spiral.

"We're having brunch this morning with Julia, Carter, Axel, and Nora."

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