A Technology World

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Hey guys and welcome back! Since I'm finished with sonic x RWBY crossover, its time to do my favorites sonic x a certain scientific railgun! Hope you all enjoy this!
In Eggman's base:
Eggman: I'm so sick of that stupid meddling hedgehog! Always messing up with my plans! But this time it'll be different! With this machine and the emeralds in my possession, It'll send Sonic to another world and I'll rule this world! Ho ho ho ho!
Sonic: I don't think so!
Sonic breaks through the door with his friends Tails, and Knuckles.
Eggman: What?!
Sonic: It's over Eggman!
Knuckles: Hmph. Time for a knuckle sandwich!
Tails: Your plans are done Eggman!
Eggman: Ho ho ho ho! You think you can stop me?!
Sonic: We stopped you many times so obviously we're gonna stop you.
Eggman: Not this time you blue freak! Metal Sonic, go!
Metal Sonic comes from the shadows coming straight for Sonic until Knuckles punches Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic then shoots it's laser, but tails uses his inventions as a barrier protecting the two.
Sonic: Thanks, guys! I'll take it from here!
Sonic runs up to metal Sonic spin dashing each wall to metal Sonic. Metal Sonic jumps in the air and does a homing attack to Sonic, but Sonic did the same with a homing attack as they both go across the base destroying Eggman's robots.
Eggman: Hey! Don't destroy my precious machines you two!
Their homing attacks clash end with Sonic and Metal Sonic in the wall.
Sonic: You've gotten strong Metal, but are you able to stop this?!
Sonic charges up his spin dash when blue orbs were absorbing him as he was bright blue.
Sonic: Ready, Go!
Sonic blasted off with incredible speed, slamming Metal Sonic into the wall.
Sonic: He, and that's game!
Eggman: Grrrrrrr! Crush you Sonic!
Sonic: Now your next, Eggman!
Eggman: He he he! I don't think so!
Sonic rushes up to Eggman, but Eggman set up a trap for Sonic:
Tails, Knuckles: Sonic!
Eggman: Ho ho ho ho! Prepare to be out of your world forever!
Sonic: What are you talking about?!
Eggman: This!
Eggman presses on a button which his machine was making a portal and was sucking Sonic.
Eggman: Farewell Sonic!
Sonic: I don't think so! Knuckles! I need you to hit the machine.
Knuckles: What?! But what about you?
Sonic: I'll find a way back! And Tails, stay safe!
Tails: Alright Sonic! I won't let you down!
Knuckles punches the machine as it explodes. Eggman: Hey, What are you doing?! No!
Eggman was caught from it and hold by Sonic.
Sonic: Your coming with me!
Eggman: Nooooo!
As Sonic and Eggman were in the portal, Metal Sonic went as well before the portal closes.
Tails: What are we gonna do?!
Knuckles: I don't know Tails. But we have to believe in Sonic.
Tails: Right! (Please be okay Sonic.)
In a city:
As Sonic was out of the portal, he sees himself up in the sky.
Sonic: Huh? Where am I? And why am I in the sky?
Sonic falls down from the sky.
Sonic: Noooooo!
Sonic crashes down from the city as civilians were running from the incident.
Sonic: Uhhh, man that hurt. But where am I? And where's Eggman? I guess the portal must've sent us different places.
People were looking at Sonic weird asking where did he come from. Sonic looks at the blimp saying Academy City.
Sonic: (Academy City huh? I should go and look around this city.
Sonic runs around the city seeing windmills and scientific things.
Sonic: *Whistles* Wow this place is huge!
Sonic looks up to see a girl surrounded by guys.
Sonic: What the? What's going on? I should check it out
Four guys was around her trying to be their girlfriend or something worse.
Girl: Hey, is she going to be okay?
Boy: I guess we should probably contact judgment, just in case.
Random girl: This city never gets boring, does it?
Sonic: Hey!
The guys and the girl looked to see a blue thing in front of them.
Guy: Ha ha ha! And what are you suppose to be a rat freak?!
Girl: Hey, What are you doing? You don't want to get killed so I suggest you should get out.
Sonic: like I'll do that. But first things first. Why you guys are trying to hall up on this girl anyway? Probably mad because they don't have a girlfriend!
Guy: Ughhhh! What did you say?!
Sonic: You know what I said! So buzz away from her!
Guy: Or else what, you blue freak!
Sonic instantly goes in front of the guy as he stares at him.
Girl: (He looks like he has a speed. Hmmm.)
The girl goes to the side of Sonic.
Girl: Hey, wanna teach these bastards a lesson?!
Sonic: I like the sound of that!
Guy: Oh your on!
In a shallow alleyway.
Guy: Damn it! I'm really not on top of my game. Just what the hell was she?
The girls voice appeared.
Girl: Hold it right there!
The girl appears right on top of him as he strangles him.
Girl: This is judgement. The troublemaker that I received the report about... would be you, am I right?
The girl handcuffed him next to a pole as she disappears off.
The girl gets out a head wire for her ears.
Girl: This is Shirai Kuroko. I have secured one of the perpetrators. Uiharu, where are the remaining barbarians?
Uiharu was on a computer looking for the other perpetrator.
Uiharu: Turn left at the end of that alley, run five meters forward, and then turn left again.
Kuroko: Roger that.
Kuroko takes another left.
This is judgement. I came here after receiving a report. You are free to surrender and restrain your-
Kuroko see four guys on the floor as two people were next to each other.
Kuroko: This is...
The girl turns around to see her friend.
Girl: Oh, Kuroko
Kuroko: Onee-sama! Ahhh! Who's this creature.
Sonic: Hey! I may be a creature, but I'm a hedgehog! A hedgehog!
Kuroko: Ahhh! It can talk!
Girl: I'll explain everything later.
That's it for this chapter! Eggman's plan worked as Sonic went to another world Academy City. Then he met a girl who was being surrounded by a bunch of guys. Luckily a girl working for judgement saw that they were already done with the baddies with Sonic and a girl. What will happen next? I'm Lightingfoxy12 and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!

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