Chapter 1. The Wink

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Just a few things to know if I make any mistakes through the story like a spelling error I am very sorry.  Enjoy the story😊💙


            December 15, 1957

You were sitting by yourself outside for lunch you didn't really have any friends to hangout with so you were lonely.  You look up from your book to notice a guy sitting by you. "Hey I thought you might need some company." He said with a innocent smile.  "I'm George by the way George Harrison."  You were being a tiny bit shy because a boy was talking to you and you were a little bit awkward. " Y/F/N."  You said slightly confident but mostly shy.  " Aww beautiful name love"  He said with a smile then winks at you.  You smirk "thanks....." was the only thing you could say you felt like you were in love.  "I saw that you and I have 5th period math together and I noticed that you hang alone."   He said with such the most handsomest smile.  " Yeah I don't really have friends they have to much drama so I rather stay out of it y'know." You said with confidence.  "So do you have a boyfriend?"  He said with another wink. "Nope single......Do you have a girlfriend?" I said feeling like he might have one.  " No but that was kinda the reason why I came to talk and hangout with you." He said looking down at a note in his hand.  "Here this is for you."  He said scared and nervous.  *Bell rings*

He walks you to your 4th period Art class.  He gives you a hug "Bye love see you in 5th period?"  He said with a little bit of a shake in his voice.  "Yeah definitely."  You say waving goodbye to him.  You decide that you wanted to open the note.  "Dear Y/N,   You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen the way the wind blows through your beautiful hair.  That beautiful smile of yours is beautiful.  You are just perfect.  Will you be mine?❤️" . Was what the note had said.  The only thing you could think of was that smile with a wink he shot at you.  You were stuck reading that note over and over again for your whole 4th period you hadn't realized that you had 5 minutes left of your 4th you were so scared to see George in your 5th period you were all shaky.  *bell rings* "well here we go."  You said under your breath you gather up your bag to walk out the door to head to your 5th.  There he was standing waiting for you in front of your 4th period door."Hey Y/N."  He said smiling at you.  "Hey George."  You  said as you start to blush.  "You ready to go to Math?" He said kind of nervous seeing that the note was in your pocket.  " Yeah are you?"  You said slightly blushing.  " Yeah definitely....... So what are your plans after school?"  He said while you guys get into the classroom.  "Nothing much how about you?"  You said while getting your math book.  "Just going to hangout."  He said smiling.  He goes to sit at his desk towards the other side of the class from you.  Class has now stared you are thinking about the note as you look up you catch George staring at you his face got really red and you smiled. 

            You take out a piece of paper to make a note for George you put down your phone number with the word yes and little hearts.  I thought about what his reaction might be when I give him the note I thought what if it was just a prank or what if he doesn't actually like me.  As all of the what if wonder through your head you start to panic.  You have calmed yourself down then read the note he gave you again it made you more confident.  *Bell rings* "Crap here we go again." You said to yourself he began to walk up to you.  You felt your heart skip a beat or two.  "Hey Love."  He said blushing still.  "Hey George."  You had so much thoughts going through your head.  "Want me to walk you home?"  Your heart skips another beat you were nervous and so in love because he was so generous.  "Sure....I mean if you because I don-" He cuts you off. "It's fine my house isn't far from yours." He said nervously.
~~~Time Skip~~~

You guys finally reach to your house you are kinda nervous. You gave him the note. You start to blush hard. "So we are together now?" He said happily. " I mean if you want I know that you probably won't go for a girl like me an-" he cuts you off again but this time he kissed your cheek and said that he would love to be with you. " I should probably should get going call you later?" He said with a innocent smile again. "Yeah definitely I will be missing you." You both waved goodbye. You are so nervous and then you start thinking again what if he doesn't call. You are scared so see what happens.

A/N: I hope you guys are liking my story so far I hope you guys liked it and hope you guy will enjoy my book when more chapters come out peace out 💙✌️😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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