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Yes, there are rules that judges need to follow as well in order to ensure that the contests remain fair.

1. Please be respectful to admin, participants, and other judges.

2. Judge fairly and be honest.

3. Judges are required to follow this account and the accounts of their fellow judges.

4. You must add this awards book to your library/reading list.

5. Make an announcement on your profile about this awards book and your position as a judge. Tag this admin: RNAadmin.

6. You may judge up to three genres! So choose wisely!

7. Judges need to be active and respond to messages.

8. Meetings will be hosted regularly in this book to discuss the results at the end of a round/contest.

9. Judges are allowed to submit books so long as they are not in the genre they are judging for.

10. Judges are required to only read the PROLOGUE of a story as well as the following FIVE chapters if it reaches that number of chapters.

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