Chapter 1: Alone

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Percy's P.O.V.

One week, it had been once whole week since I turned 16. One week since I saved Olympus, my father, my friends. None of that could have prepared me for what followed. I was on top of the world, a hero at camp, I had just asked out my best friend who I'd been crushing on for years, my cousin Nico was finally settling into camp. Everything seemed perfect, I should have known it was too good to last. After all, I'm Percy Jackson, disaster follows me everywhere I go.

Three days ago, I'd been called to the Big House. Chiron had been waiting for me with the expression of 'You just failed your test Percy, I'm so sorry but we'll fix it together.' face, I should have known it wasn't good news. I was on top of the world though and thought nothing could possibly go wrong now. Kronos was gone, I wasn't going to die, my friends and camp are safe. My mom and Paul were safe. That's what I thought. Apparently, my mom and step-dad had been driving out to pick me up to camp, they'd planned to surprise me with a trip to Montauk, the beach where my parents had met. Still, no war or outrunning a Minitour could prepare my mom for the semi that swerved into them. And just like that, I was alone like so many other demigods here at camp. Except it wasn't a monster attack that took my mom from me, not this time. There was no amount of screaming at Uncle Hades that could bring her back this time. I was alone for good.

Now though, now I stand in a cemetery in a navy-blue suit staring at two holes in the ground. A queen among women, Poseidon had called my mother. Where was he now when she'd gone to the realm of his brother? Where was he when his son needed a father to lean on? In his palace with his wife. A hand grips my shoulder and I jump, turning to see Nico beside me. "They're in Elysium, if that makes it any better." He says quietly to me, and I admit, it helped a little. My eyes go past him to a girl crossing the cemetery towards us looking solemn "Percy, I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I heard." Thalia tells me looking around "Where, where is everyone?" Looking back towards the headstone I sigh "Annabeth's in San Francisco with her dad....... everyone else had some excuse. It's just us." Kneeling, I lay a flower on the joint headstone I lay a blue moon rose on top of it. "I'll miss you mom. See you in the afterlife." With that, I stand and walk back towards the street to catch a bus back to apartment wondering just what I was going to do with myself now that I was all alone.

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